Protocols of the Elders of Zion (the first Arabic translation of - TopicsExpress


Protocols of the Elders of Zion (the first Arabic translation of the full Amina March 6, 2012, 11:13 pm The danger of the Jewish Protocols of the Elders Zionol Arabic translation Amina Kamilhma analytical introduction in Cefhhtkadir hundred writers and translated to Professor Mahmoud Kabarabas Alakadatabah fifth 1400 1980 curved Jews are not only masters of the world and Mvsudaih. The engines and the tribulations of his executioners. (Dr. Oscar Levy) Logo Jewish - Bolshevik Mahuta Balofy Avatar. See Export Albraitan, protocol 3, and Professor Nilus comment. Notes Arabic translation 1 Dear Reader! Be careful on this version, because the Jews were fighting back whenever this book anywhere! And in any language, and the sacrifice of all of prices for the collection of copied and burned so as not to inform the world on the hellish plots against him, painted in humility which is absurd in this book. 2 each from the margins of the book and put the Arabic translation, but five Torgomnaha margins are very small and pointed at the end of each of them so (from the original English). 3 all the words in brackets Hasrtin, is to increase Mana.4 hesitate too much in this book, the word internationalist and like illiterate and illiterate, a flag on every person or thing non-Jew .alabab first Entrance translator Arabh1 Boxing interpreter 2 estimate the book and translate it to Professor Abbas Mahmoud El Akkad 3 Introduction second edition of Mtorgom4 introduction to the first edition of Mtorgomalahadaezizi Dear Mujahid esteemed Mrs. (Esther Fahmi Wisa) Peace to you and greet you in the Mujahideen Patriots, and I hope to God that enjoys you, including promises of wellness benevolence and work right, and that the benefit of your Bomthalk homelands and nations, and reward you cream Hmaúlk and your endeavors beautiful Althoab.kadd you what Tsalyn with learned example sincerity and Grandpa to serve this nation which Nazza and cherish, and äČŰě him more pride message humanitarian big in the world of culture and civilization among the finest Nations , the nation does not have such a message in this area inevitably lost nation, even if it is dissolved in the abundance of wealth, luxury and even the Sultan prevailed inhabitants of this planet and beyond in unpack God Wasia. I ran in your endeavors to sweat is worth your as you are worthy of it, I figured Konjb daughters and our home in jihad by saying Eloquent and work eloquent, in front of all Bakhl upon the dignity of nations, and Bakhl to his family dignity of citizens, whether of his sons or strangers Anh.oma youre not the happiest to see you nor your speech until today, I owe you next from this credit year which included doing all our citizens in Jhadk conciliator .. then I owe you thanks particularly with this book, as he came that in the first edition may Yes your consent, Volith aspect of your care studying and promoting the idea that published for it, both including lectured in it and talk about it and donated hundreds of copies to those you know and do not know of citizens, men and women, not motivates you to something that only the promises of God by faith, including Trinh really, then Jihad in the process eloquently say and work advising explicit . That is why God promised While you kept me even reprinted this book to Ohdenh Heres your spot please please with the public, which the frequency of their scientific and acquaintances of acquaintances, particularly my friends from the faithful who Meredatk Alnaguibat you set a good example for them Bmsaik national humanity. I am, as I present to you to see Vick reader optimized who do not like to type to the other, nor to read my others, including his right of equivalent strength and honesty as read even whistled the hand of the price of paper, this alone I call the reader friendly as I write, as if written Personal message between us as I have and he has, even if they were one in the nation, and he alone Aoun writer Savior who filed envisages elite is aware of the revived bREATHING from Tgaribe and Mutalath, and jealous of his zeal for the honor and his life, and this Almatefh the part of the reader a strong Secretary who is aware of aspects of what he reads and concerns owner and Ugeath and temperament are the only penalty this book is not a penalty other nor penalty surmounted, even met him the offense and refutation in each line opinion opinion and argument for an argument, and this Almatefh alone is kinship which do not reach the amount at sincere about flesh and blood ANSA and confidence and HB. There is no doubt dear sister that you have read what the prophet is sitting days between Jawarier lead to them his message, when he received that ushered his mother and his brothers loved ones may get them from where they are longing to throw him run after parting, he refused an example of righteousness and mercy, to snatch them, his ear and replied, referring to his disciples who they felt closer to him and has a first, these my brothers and my mother. And you also read what he said to those who intercede for her two sons with him to sit, one on his right and the other on the left, I knew that he is not entitled to one faithful that Ajalsh only drink from his glass and imbued Besbgth, and that he is not entitled to the Savior that gives anyone a place he has only God has prepared for this place. Without the occultation of the unseen and the weakness of creation and mixing things, when delivered hunter network, but where ascertaining fishing envisioned, and when he suffered the distinction between what hung his net Fastkhals them what he wants and denied them or Nfdha ascetic and Zhada which does not want to, and you are informed stories of those fishermen righteous and advised him mentor American in order to replace the rule of Besaadh, sea, sea, and Kabdoh suffered by every fisherman and Savior of the risks of the seas, large and small, which flops between Aloaour and pitfalls and Ghamrat. These are all across given away because they are Permanent, and had ears to hear, let him hear, and Behold, O Sister virtuous dedicate and I dedicate my book to you, as I told you here at all deposited by him, and I hope to forgive me Tkhalafa from pursuing him to Houdrtk Miss Bkhalaúqk tolerant, metropolitan Bembrratk related to, but not what happens to him usually as nature that not trying Kalafah to the door of a Lkhv me please to Houdrtk where you are, even happier to meet you, and that one day meet you where to worthy among the dearest of my days elated and Radwan, and you are to the people of appreciation and forgiveness. A large dome on 16 March 1961 for your brother Almakhlsmamed Khalifa Altoncikadimbrotokolat great sages Zionellastaz Mahmoud Abbas Alakadzart Finally in Arabic full version of this book is strange: the book The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. It wonders that delayed the full translation of the Arabic language to this year, with the Arab countries deserving of the country to know him a bit too much in the third of the last century, a period in which incurred the Bgeraúr Balfour Declaration and boots for a Zionist state on the land of this book is still a mystery of mysteries in the field of historical research in the field of publishing and confiscation, rarely appeared in languages, but to speed him to run out after weeks or days of hour appearance, we do not know that Dara famous publishing houses and distribution proceeded on the edition of the proliferation of demand for it, and all that came to us from the editions is issued by the presses special work to spread call does not work for profits and sales Cra.omen wonders of coincidences that at least up to the hands of three copies of this book in recent years: each copy of the print edition is the other, and all of them have got it from the other way demand libraries of famous Taamlha.ama version first it Oaarna them a man from our military leaders, who select rare books on topics of war and Tdberat invasion and conquest, and it has prepared him after reading it and transfer classes sporadic Mnha.oama second version has bought Marjuah not know the seller, what its name and its meaning has been lost this version leaves version movable with books and other papers accused Pachtlasha some retainers in Aldar.oama third version, one of the English edition of the fourth was found in the remnants of a great doctor and a date on the first of May 1921 and the word gift in French Souvernir and I almost think of the succession of coincidences experienced by these copies they are vulnerable to loss. The heap Arabic that we have today transferred from the English edition of five, moved writer who is familiar with Mr. Mohamed Khalifa Tunisian, and was keen to translate it otherwise acted upset Bembnaha meaning Vokhrjha in the words precise and clear style eloquent Slam.sdr Translator virtuous for this book hellish introduction extensive in which he said about why put the leaders of the Zionists, held a twenty-three conference since 1897 and was most recently the conference, which was held in Jerusalem for the first time on August 14, 1951, to looking at the apparent issue of immigration to Israel and the question of borders as stated newspaper time and the purpose of these conferences all study plans that lead to the establishment of the Kingdom of Zion global, and was the first conferences in the city of Basel Psoasrh in 1897, headed by their leader Herzl, has been met, in which about three hundred of the most notorious of the Elders of Zion were representing fifty Jewish Society, and decided the plan secret to enslave the entire world under the crown of king of the seed of David then the nicest professor translator what it contains chapters of the book to explain the agreed plans, which are summarized in the management of the means to capture the reins of world politics from behind the arrest of the reins of banking, and the interpretation of the efforts which ended Bakd moneychangers Zionists on the reins of the dollar in the American continent and behind all diagonals, and interpret it to the side of the other efforts that aim to control the other camp of the Eastern bloc, and ended up handing over the camp into the hands of people who are Zionists or materialists who built the Zionists wives working in the fields of politics and sociology. There are various ways of sedition, which paves the way for the heart of the world order and threatened his being in fomenting chaos and permitted between peoples and creeds shed corrupt and reprehensible calls on the minds of his sons, and undermine every pillar of religion, or national or ethics. This is the thrust of the book and the inter purposes, aims, has appeared the first edition of fifty years ago, and quoted from French into Russian and English Vgerha of languages, and have arisen around the whirlwinds of criticism and debate hesitated between Astana, Geneva, Brussels, Paris and London and the African South, and ran the press, the judiciary and the men Museums and references, and issued causing various provisions denies sometimes and at other times to prove, and then disappeared as we introduced the book is still disappears whenever appeared in one of the languages. And Atkadana half-history, to summarize here what is said about him from the destination historical cash to him and offend his sources, or to prove to him, and likely believing in Mudallolh.valven Ankaddonh and question the validity of the confiscation build cash on similar between the texts and the texts of some of the books that preceded his appearance forty years or less than so in other cases. Including dialogue between Machiavelli and Mskjo revolves around defamation policy of Napoleon III of Foreign Affairs, including a story written by German writer named Herman Godhi including dialogue imagine that he heard in the cemetery of inks Jews in Prague were invited to the Conference leaders who designee each and every one of them of the tribes of Israel. Depends Critics also refute newspaper Thames of the documents after her reference to them when they arise, referring certified Mahdhir which aimed Aleh.oma the most likely for the authenticity of the documents or to the health significance sum up their argument that they did not bring anything new is contained in the books of the Jews recognized, including the Talmud and wrote Sunan Jewish, and very what the Talmud that there has outlined where these documents proceeded to detail and representation. The journalist says England, Chesterton AKChesterton in the discussion of the writer Israeli Vetoch Leftwich sayings different to promote the fact the concept of these protocols, its conclusion that the mouthpieces truer than for San article, and that the chiefdom of Zion, or the Elders of Zion may have the existence of a historical true, or are all of creation perception and imagination, but the fact that the existing no doubt that the influence that Iholunh and pray to him based concrete facts and implications. He said the group, which was published as the tragedy of anti-senior, said Marshal Haij heard the choice of the General Command of the mouth of the Lord and Rthleyd before unheard of official authorities and the House of Rothschild came out after the Battle of Waterloo victoriously also took his colleagues and his fellow all victoriously after the war first and Second World, and that there is no house is the house of Rothschild his brothers torn between London, Paris and Berlin, and it seemed his words, saying: I am the one hand, it seems to me that the protocols equated spiritually on the same rule that Astute them passages from the book Talmud tend to draw relations Altzmha Jews with the world of nations or strangers, and I am on the other hand do not know anybody who is trying to destabilize the beliefs of the Jews in their religion, but as the purpose of the purposes of evangelization public, but I know a lot of Jews who are working to destroy sure Nations Christian religion .onsttia we can add to the words of Chesterton sayings many of Aqbilha in such meaning and reasoning, then the cupboard massive house while suddenly from Astana to America to Africa South of the implementation of the protocols witness evidence armor global operating agreement in the end, that did not work agreement in the measure, and this confidence that allows tramp of brats the gangs that threaten the United States ambassador and assigned that threatens his government, includingll solve them if bucked Hui gang, saw another of evidence that Satwa world that dictate orders to presidents and ministers from behind a curtain, and this lust global in which he plays by the Zionists to lure the faint book another witness of evidence of countless others, did not translate Arabic book never writer eating Zionism including angering the time of Alawqat.wlest go away and I have the evidence of my books that have been translated into French and English, and published chapters of them in magazines Egypt and Europe, has stopped printing after fatigue in the translated I wrote and type exposes the Zionist policy .. I have talked to a girl from preachers in the presence of a friend enrollment of life that leads motioning to the issue of translation, and ask me a question Aleem Almtgabe I am surprised to like you how not to be His movable into all languages .saltinay this question, which is, I think, do not believe that the world-renowned Majesty of something we can Nanqrh if the non-Kan became a puppet in the hands of brokers and preachers, I said to her: Anblotark have preceded me to answer this question .fadt ask: What did he say? I said: Roy on the lips of the hero of the heroes of the Romans that he was asked: Why do not reside you a statue between these statues? Replied liquid: Because you ask me your question this is better than to ask me: Why was held you this statue?. Most probably, after all this is what you see The protocols of the historical place of destination search many, but which no doubt also said Chesterfield: to control the hidden list of those protocols or without those protocols. Mahmoud Abbas Alakadmekdma Edition Althanihosaddae Edition Alawlyoaha reader Alsidik..ped brotherhood which embraces in righteousness, and all the tenderness of gathering her uterus humanity without distinction between one of them, the oldest of this second edition of the book Jewish danger: Protocols of Zion judgment Ä also made its predecessor, which carried out years ago, then successively demand and urgency by the readers of silence after their appeal to meet the negligence worthy of an apology, but no excuses Tmahl merits of Liberals. I am not the oldest national alone but to all nations, perhaps Aklaha tutor, teach and work, including, without that neutralizes them by encouraging the right Takvel from here or from there. 1 translation of the book and its impact: and my this as I learned after extensive research the first Arabic translation of this book is strange and Oovaha, and I feel my responsibility humanity with my responsibility nationalism and most of them is the biggest reasons that motivated me to translate it since I got edition English narrowly after a long search, but that this feeling is what motivated me to request and incurring trouble in the process and the desire to be translated before it was found, and after that was briefed on poverty and extracts them in English and Arabic in books, newspapers, even spent a God to me Pklma want them after despair, check me what is attributed to the poet smitten Crazy Blelah: The God combines Alstatin Aznan after all conjecture that convergence Praise be to God, who gathers after Statoil, and spent to meet the coalition after the pains and despair along the parting. This translation is faithful to the spirit of the text fully honesty, and almost to the accuracy to be literal in the overall features line by line, not a paragraph only, no one under hair for the English text in any position, taking into account the preservation of the eloquence of the Arabic translation and the safety of her words, and taking into account that required for the difference between languages in the systems, and I am not exaggerating if I claimed that the translator English if translated into Arabic was not within its clarity, accuracy and eloquence greater than our translation, and this is what made me write in the chest translator as the first translation Amina complete without the bravado and arrogance .oahmd God right hamidah also Since the first edition of the first readers of care that their care is a book honoring him and the owner, and were not an honor for them, as it does not honor a man not only for the work, including the. Do not be popular with him or his symptoms, and according to the mortal human privilege to make others very faithful to his best on what requires dignity and chivalry and piety, either turnout and symptoms and what to them from the boom-bust and casual fortunes may be fair or unfair. I have represented the attention these readers Alomathl in various pictures, Vtnolh many of them a lesson or cash, and eating others summarize or explain in writing in newspapers or lecture in the synagogues and seminars in many Arab countries and Eastern European and American, and others have translated whole or in part to their languages: including Farsi in Iran and Urdu in India, also translated in Egypt back to the French, and published a summary of his English, and Anas and Bmekdmth Arab many researchers Vatakzoheme reference cite it or quote from it and cite it in their articles and books with the World Zionist Organization, and noted Bamadaminh many writers, thinkers, leaders and presidents The Minister in writing what they say. And Ive known some of it myself, and told me interconnected intentionally or Sorry familiar friends and mixtures of those Tqbawa the countrys east and west, and it was the most people of this countrys attention by Moroccans, Egyptians, Iraqis and Syrians, and reached the enthusiasm of one Sadatna Egyptology finger of Galilee also told me Mozaaoh they bought a copy copy a few hundred, then a few fifties donated to know and do not know, and threw two lectures praised the two Bamadaminh in clubs Nsaúaan on undefined me, but once I do not forget an evening ways Pape where the farmer elderly, if the population from among our farmers or without them for stormed Ahcef eyes. I did not know him, but what almost settle the Boards until I knew he was from the village of inert on the outskirts of level, and it came Istodhani the placements of the book, and Istzidny other, and lasted hours ask me and hold me to account and ascertaining which hears like the angels of the account, and I emptied his consciousness between elation and amazement, Volhak have was delighted I am just visiting for the greatest penalty, and I was the man, along with generous individual judgment Vaatdna of friends and repeat Selehi this loyalty hailed Allah, Sheikh Abdul Hamid galleries in the village center row of Giza. And before you get out copies of the book from the edition I look forward to trying to Jews gathered Kdibhm with him wherever it appears in any language, so I appeal to distributors, and patriotism that does not sell them, but a copy version, only to find a reason satisfactory to buy a phrase which, as it was my purpose first reveled publishing his idea and ponder his seeking the face of God and the benefit of slaves, all of us, and that he considers the reader like a personal message from a friend, and I am pleased is that it runs out of it a hundred edition in order to spend thousands of copied to the dark or fire or something like that, whatever you earn me offers minimum rush from Aznnounaa without budgets and ultimately suffices to point out that my appeal of this book was not the voice of one crying in the Albraih.2 the difference between the first and second edition: the book was in the first edition did not Wiesel two sections: section interpreter preferred not to me it except that the Secretariat and in Satna translation, and a section topic I wrote it, which to me and Ali its advantages and Aaoppe.oma section Translator is the protocols of Zionism and foremost and Commenting who Achtsa their professor, Sergei Nilus first published to the world in Russian, and before that export Albraitan Translation English in its fifth edition (including our version which Torgomnaha) The paragraph contained inside the cover entitled protocols of the Elders of Zion: the gospel Bolshevik, and I translated this section in 1947, and seen by some people with power and honesty of my brothers glance, also reiterated consideration times after that, even during the corrective drafts edition in 1951, when he resolved reprinted
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 05:27:06 +0000

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