Prov 11:1 The Lord detests dishonest scales, but accurate weights - TopicsExpress


Prov 11:1 The Lord detests dishonest scales, but accurate weights find favour with him. GOVERNMENT HARASSMENT OF CIVIL SOCIETY THREATENS SRI LANKAN DEMOCRACY Transparency International condemns the intimidation of civil society organisations in Sri Lanka and calls on the government to safeguard the right of people to speak out freely. CAMPAIGN FOR TRANSPARENCY IN MALDIVES PAYS OFF Access to information (ATI) is not simply a piece of legislation. A country’s passing of such an act signals a change in culture from one of secrecy to one of transparency, and a strengthening ... SRI LANKAN CIVIL SOCIETY CONDEMNS GOVERNMENT INTIMIDATION Over the past few years Sri Lankas civil society organizations have been facing a most challenging task in discharging their responsibilities and obligations. BANGLADESH: CUTTING OFF OUR HEADS TO CURE A HEADACHE? Three years ago my team visited Khulna, a district in the southern coastal region of Bangladesh. We went to meet the communities trying to rebuild their lives there after their villages ... TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL CALLS ON MEPS TO EMBRACE ANTI-CORRUPTION AGENDA On the occasion of the first plenary session of the new European Parliament, Transparency International calls on MEPs to set new standards of integrity and transparency over the next five years. TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL CONDEMNS MONTENEGRO’S FAILURE TO INVESTIGATE ELECTORAL FRAUD Transparency International said today the rejection of 842 cases of election irregularities in Montenegro by the Constitutional Court and State Election Commission reveals a poor commitment to democracy ... G20 ANTI-CORRUPTION MEETING: PROGRESS, BUT WITHOUT AMBITION The G20 is making progress in the fight against corruption. However for all the talk, the representatives of the world’s leading economies are not setting the bar high enough. From our ... HOW THE G20 COULD UNMASK THE CORRUPT The G20 leaders meet in Australia later this year. Pressure is growing on them to build on the commitments from last June’s G8 Summit on beneficial ownership. That’s an obscure ... UNMASK THE CORRUPT Who says secret companies are bad? We do! G20 LEADERS: UNMASK THE CORRUPT G20 officials meeting in Australia later this year must make it harder for the corrupt to hide behind secret companies, Transparency International said today as it launched a global campaign.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 23:00:56 +0000

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