Prov. 18:21, Deut. 30:19 / Why is it that when we see something - TopicsExpress


Prov. 18:21, Deut. 30:19 / Why is it that when we see something that doesnt look right, the first thing some people lean toward is talking about it even more, speaking more negativity into it? Sad part is that sometimes its something that was picked up from somewhere else & we dont even take time to research the entire situation before we go re-blabbing it all over the place. Now more than ever, instead of being so quick to jump to the wrong conclusions or spread half-truths about someone, we need to stop & discern whats really going on, pray about the situation & turn it over to Jesus. We know how it feels when someone takes something weve innocently said or done & runs off with it or twists it around, or takes a small part of it then turns it into their own little fairytale so why do that to someone else? (Matt. 7:12) Oh, BWT, while youre at it, due to certain things Ive seen all over here lately, also take a look @ Romans 13:1-7. Now is the time to PRAY for the nation & its leadership, not continually bash & spread rumours about someone just because you dont approve of them for whatever reason.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 09:50:31 +0000

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