Proven fake. --> A video that supposedly depicts a being of - TopicsExpress


Proven fake. --> A video that supposedly depicts a being of unknown origin miraculously teleporting a man out of the path of an oncoming truck has been vigorously circulating the interwebs and generating a great deal of debate. The video shows a man and his supernatural saviour disappearing in a flash of light just as they are about to be struck by a speeding truck. The man and his helper are then seen safely at the side of the road while the distraught truck driver peers under his vehicle. Some have postulated that the being was a friendly alien. Others suggest that it was a time-traveller. Some with a more religious outlook claim that it was an angel that saved the man. Alas, the truth is considerably more mundane. The video is one of a collection of marketing videos and images included on a promotional website for the Chinese game, Dragon Totem Girl (Zhu Xian 2). According to advertising commentary blog Monkeywatching, the video was part of a promotional campaign for Perfect World, the company that made the game. In the campaign, a real person based on the game character showed how to use superpowers to help people in their everyday lives. In this case, Dragon Totem Girl uses her superpowers to save the rickshaw driver. In other videos, she subtly users superpowers to stop a child from being hit by a runaway shopping trolley and assist other shoppers. Another video showed her rushing through a crowd and suddenly disappearing, apparently in another teleportation event. As part of the ongoing campaign, the girl also made multiple real life appearances (minus supernatural happenings) in which she helped people and animals. The actress playing the part has reportedly become quite famous and has a large following on her Weibo page. Still have your doubts? Take a look at the roadway in the video just after the truck has passed. You will see that the games distinctive dragonhead logo briefly appeares on the road surface and then miraculously fades away.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 07:29:49 +0000

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