Proverb 12 is saying; if you “don’t” want to learn, you - TopicsExpress


Proverb 12 is saying; if you “don’t” want to learn, you “can’t” be taught, the same applies for discipline, correction, and the ability to obtain Wisdom, which goes hand in hand. No discipline is loved for itself, for it is unpleasant, but a saved person will love it for its fruit. If you are not willing to change your way of thinking, your actions will never change; thoughts become actions, actions become habits, and habits become character. What a person does results from what he is in the heart; the words as well as the thoughts of men will manifest the true character of them No one loses anything by being kind and good to others; however, “good” deeds that are done only for selfish reasons are their own reward. One’s thoughts are the index to his character. Saying “No” to our impulses, puts us in control, rather than being a slave to something, or someone else. He who speaks the truth can be satisfied with it, and will not need to constantly tell different stories. The sad thing about liars is that they must constantly revise their stories to make them harmonize with other lies they have told. A liar must have a good memory so that he will not contradict his own words. This is why the fool is always so argumentative: he thinks he cannot be wrong, and so that he must defend his every statement to the death. They make learning impossible by their proud assumption that they are always right. On the other hand, the wise man does not feel he must “immediately” defend his self, but he listens to others, for the truth will be revealed; “None is so wise” we all need good counsel. We have one great ‘Counselor,’ Messiah, who is made unto us ‘wisdom’ we must always remember; truth stands the test of time, but lies are soon exposed. We can trust God’s Word for it has withstood the test of time; don’t forget to pray for understanding as you read God’s Word, and you will know just how true His Word really is as it comes alive right in front of your eyes. Verse 17 shows the condition of the heart is by the words of the mouth; the wicked is seen in its results upon others. one speaks hurtful words: the other healing words. The tongue is death or life, poison or medicine, as it is used. Slanders, like a sword, wound the reputation of those of whom they are spoken. A lazy person may enjoy hunting; just for sport, but does not use what he has killed, but just lets it spoil; wastefulness is a characteristic of the wicked. However, the righteous considers whatever substance he has a precious, and uses it wisely. It is by divine knowledge, not by folly, that anyone gains precious substance. We may freely use the things of this world so long as we do not abuse them, nor let them abuse us, this world and everything in it is passing away: only spiritual riches will remain.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 16:11:23 +0000

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