Proverb of the Day (LOOKING FOR WISDOM) BLESSING (COMMENT TO - TopicsExpress


Proverb of the Day (LOOKING FOR WISDOM) BLESSING (COMMENT TO CHAPTER 10) So far we have found on the porch or preface to the proverbs. Now begin. They are judgmental, serious short sentences, but; most of them are couplets, that is, two lines at a verse, lighting mutually; but rarely is sufficient consistency between verses to distribute them in sections. So consider them separately. Much of the proverbs in this chapter deal of good governance of the tongue. verse 1 The consolation of parents depends to a large extent on the good behavior of their children. The children should act wisely and live according to the good education that has been given them, and gladden the hearts of their parents. They can also rejoice that, in this way, do something to reward their parents care and toil they took with them. verses 2-3 These two verses same aim. The ill-gotten wealth shall not profit; at least they will not be in the day of wrath (cf. 11: 4). So, no matter how great the material gain acquired in this way, you can never compare to the colossal loss that awaits him (Matthew 16:26). Instead, righteousness delivers from death. The Hebrew word Tsedakah, justice, soon received the special meaning of charity (cf. Dan 4:24). This does not mean that alms may procure mans salvation, but are like a shield that defends against the destroying angel and make Gods punishment is not as strong or as soon arrive. God rejects (lit. throws) ambition (lit. desire) of the wicked (v. 3). Many times, the righteousness of God which spreads injustice man has collected. verse 4 By the way poverty lazy walk. Ordinarily, the lazy come to fraud, theft, etc., to gain money, but when discovered, they find infamy, and the poverty. The 4th commandment of the Decalogue (Exodus 20: 9-11) gives equal weight or greater, the work of the six days that the Sabbath rest. In Proverbs, we take into account especially idleness as a cause of poverty. He who does not work, let him not eat was already a rabbinic dictum that the apostle collected (2 Thessalonians 3:10). verse 5 This proverb is linked to the previous one and reminds us 6: 6-11. Those who take advantage of opportunities to provide themselves what they will need later collected in the summer, which is the time of harvest. This is son of wisdom (lit). Instead, sleeping in summer, which is when I should pick for the winter, is the son of shame (lit), it is a foolish son, whose folly discover especially when winter comes. verse 6 Variety of blessings fall from above (v. James 1:17) and will stand visibly on the head of the just. They serve to dignify headband and helmet to protect him. 2a. part, repeated in v. 11b, can be translated in two complementary ways: The mouth of the wicked conceals violence within the meaning of plotting the ruin of their neighbors; or, The violence covers the mouth of the wicked, in the sense that violence begets violence lies with those who started to practice. verse 7 Both the righteous and the wicked must die when they meet time. At the grave, no visible difference was seen between the bodies of each other; but between the soul of some and the other is a big difference. The righteous leave behind memories of blessing, for those who honor God by God (Psalm 112 v.: 3, 6, 9) to honor, and duty to the survivors is to honor the memory of the righteous. The bad, however, be forgotten or remembered with hatred and contempt. verse 8 The obedient privilege shall be under the rule of others and to point out their duty. Herein is wisdom, because it will be esteemed and promoted, respected and loved. Instead, a prating fool (lit. as in v 10.) Is brought to desolation, as with so much talk nonsense, does not work, or obey or listen to good advice; thus never learns, but constantly change careers, always fails and ends in ruin. verse 9 Integrity is assurance of safety; instead, he who perverts his ways will be found out, because sooner or later, tells others that their ways were crooked will then give someday befall misfortune. The whole man is blessed by God and can walk through life with humble boldness, well armed against the temptations of Satan, the tribulations of the world and the reproaches of men. The dishonesty of a person is in their own infamy; will be discovered. verse 10 Winking is one of the gestures they discover the evil (6:13) in their evil schemes against anyone, causing trouble, not only to the victim but also himself somehow when their plots are discovered, and their accomplices who conspires through such gestures. It may take longer to fall than a prating fool, but his fall will be worse, because all the hate more bites without barking dog that barks at you without biting. verse 11 How beneficial is the good man, for communicating his goodness! His mouth, the exit door of the mind, is a fountain of life; is a fountain flowing with words of edification, comfort, advice, snack. For the 2nd. hand, see the comments in v. 6b. verse 12 The great evil is the sower of hatred, which, even without provocation, looking for opportunities to do evil, to sow discord among friends and even between brothers, causing divisions, quarrels and wars. Hatred is the son of selfishness and envy, and parent of all other evils. Enjoys doing evil and chafe at the good, peace, virtue. Instead, love is the great sower of goods. Seeks peace and excuse the faults of others. It tends to take everything and so much covers (so that they are not) all sins (cf. 1 Corinthians 13: 4). This has always understood this proverb, which recurs in 17: 9, James 5:20; 1 Peter 4: 8. Love, instead of proclaiming and present as a more serious offense, the excuse as much as can be excused. And when you can not deny the fact, tend to think that there was no malicious intent, but it was an oversight. verse 13 Great honor is for a good man to be wise, but even more as a tool for making wise to others. He says, From the lips of a person who has enough discernment to draw correct distinctions between what is right and what is wrong, between truth and error, can hear words of wisdom concerning matters even he did not learn . Instead, those who lack this quality need to be taken by force in the direction they should take, as does the rider to drive and speed (or slow) to mount. verse 14 Note 1.s own wise be a good store of useful knowledge, atesorándolos not to forget and to employ them in a timely manner. Precisely wisdom is in her lips (v. 13), because it is treasured in the heart. 2 That is foolish talk a lot as well discover the folly leading into the heart; this nonsense is not just ignorance, but brings evil, by causing harm to others and themselves. verse 15 The rich consider themselves happy by the material goods they possess, but it is wrong. In his view, wealth is his strong city, but can not protect them from the worst of evils. The poor, meanwhile, are considered unfortunate because they lack most of the things they possess rich; but also wrong, because a person may be satisfied with little happy and having a good conscience. So we live by faith, which is not the same as live entertainment. verse 16 The work (better, which is earned through honest effort) the righteous leads to life, meaning primarily the word in the sense of 27: 27: maintenance for himself and his family, even to give to others who are in need (Ephesians 4:28). Instead, the result (either work or otherwise acquired) of the wicked to sin, because he serves as fuel for his pride and lust, hurting rather well. verse 17 On track which will not only receive instruction, but also retained to govern her, and with her to instruct others. Go astray those who reject instruction; do not want to be told what their obligations are, because they are so discovers how bad met. The traveler who mistake his way and does not consent to that displayed the true direction, can not fail to miss the way of life. verse 18 This verse presents, at first glance, some anomaly, as usual contrast between good and evil is not found, but it is probable that Solomon would here also contrast two vicious extremes: Hypocrisy in the folly and wickedness are concealed by means of dissimulation and flattery lying lips and open spreading slander, malicious and harmful also yet. Cohen says: Only one person brainless delivered to such practices, because the man of common sense knows that sooner or later the truth will be known. verse 19 Ordinarily, those who speak too say things they should not say, because among many words can not miss idle words. There are people who like to hear themselves and do not realize the tedium that cause those who hear them. It is therefore prudent signal curb his tongue. For something God put double doors: one of bone, teeth; other meat lips. verses 20-21 The worth of man is not in wealth or social position, but in virtue. Good men are good for something. While having tongue to speak, they can use it for valuables. Chosen, ie, refined and free from slag, silver is the tongue of the just, because it is honest, without the scum of deception or misconduct. Those who hear him will be made rich in wisdom and shall feed with healthy food for the soul, for you are receiving substantial doctrine drawn from the Word of God, which is the bread of life. However, the bad guys are not good at all: the heart of the wicked is little worth, ie, has no value; its principles, notions, thoughts and purposes and all the things that is full and likes, are worldly and carnal things and therefore of no value. So not only feeds others, but dies for lack of spiritual food. verse 22 Most men have set their hearts on material wealth, but usually err in both the nature of the thing they want and how they expect to get. The desired expected wealth has not through greed and worldly desire (Psalm 127: 2), but by the blessing of Yahweh. This makes one rich and adds no sorrow, then, to be accompanied by the blessing of God, frees man from the anxieties and concerns that carries an ill-gotten fortune. verse 23 For the foolish, sin is fun. He even mocks the admonitions and exhortations that are made (cf. 14: 9). Instead, the wise find pleasure in his wisdom itself. Do not trouble to be good, since he loves goodness. verses 24-25 1 The wicked will fare worse than fear; the good, better than what they want. Although the wicked live below their wickedness and even brag about it, do suffer sometimes serious fears. Instead, the righteous can quickly allay fears that sometimes may suffer, knowing that God loves them and gives them what suits them. They are granted in accordance with their faith, not fear (Psalm 37 v. 4). 2 The prosperity of the wicked will end soon and quickly, while that of the righteous will never end. verse 26 Lazy are not fit to be entrusted to any matter of importance. A lazy servant because his master like skin irritation that produces vinegar to the teeth and smoke to the eyes. More than one master has had to mourn for putting your business in the hands of a loafer. verses 27-28 Sincere religion extends the life of man and crown their hopes and if your days do not become many, at least be good, as the hope of the righteous is joy, and not ashamed (v Romans 5: 5.) therefore have insurance compliance. Being equal, the evil life is shorter than the right, as the merman vices. verse 29-30 The strength and stability are linked to integrity: The way of Yahweh is strength to the whole man, that is, all that God does for him strengthens and confirms in its entirety, even in adverse times. Good conscience, purified from sin, gives holy boldness. The joy of Yahweh, which is found only in the way of Yahweh, will be our strength (Nehemiah 8: 10) and, therefore, the fair will not be removed; not be shaken or removed from your site. Instead, the ruin and destruction are the certain consequences of impiety. The test and praise of the goodness of a man is speaking well and wisely, as your mouth produces wisdom in the same way that a good tree produces fruit for the benefit of those who eat it. The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable (lit.), which is pleasing to God, good for them and good for others. Instead, the language of evil will be cut. JJ Serrano says, will be cut short as the water, so do not flow through her deceptions it flow naturally.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 07:48:17 +0000

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