Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: - TopicsExpress


Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Standing on the shore of an ocean, one is amazed at the force of the waves crashing on the rocks. The expanse of the water is awe-inspiring, and yet it is beautiful. Only a very foolish person would ignore the dangers presented by the sea, and yet, only a fool would not be attracted by its beauty. The ocean is to be feared and respected, but it is also to be experienced. Despite our sense of awe, or perhaps because of it, we are drawn to the water, to be immersed in it, to become part of it. Our true enjoyment of the surf comes when we enter in, but only when we understand its power. The same is true of God. We stand in awe before Him, wisely cautions in the face of His power, and yet we long to know Him, to be united with Him. The wise pursue Him with all their heart, while the foolish ignore Him or reject Him through their fear. Once we understand the power of our Lord, the fear enables us to be with Him, immersed in Him, but always respecting His might. O Lord, help me to know fear in a positive way, and set my feet on the path to wisdom. Amen. To God be the Glory.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 12:48:41 +0000

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