Proverbs 15: 31 If you listen to constructive criticism, you - TopicsExpress


Proverbs 15: 31 If you listen to constructive criticism, you will be at home among the wise. Criticism is usually a word I try to stay away from. Our culture has never been more critical than it is today. Critics rarely have nice things to say, hence my avoidance. It can be painful, uncomfortable, awkward, even discouraging... In life there are areas where we tend to accept critique however--when were trying to improve our golf swing, pin count, squat form, musical ability... or dance skills. ;) In these scenarios we wish people would critique more! If they say, Youre doing great! We rarely can accept it as true. Come on, seriously tell me what I can do better! Ive yet to hear a golf coach tell me Im doing fine, but were all a work in progress. :) When it comes to our walk with the Lord, having a critic in your life is essential. First and foremost the Holy Spirit is our number one critic. He bring things to our awareness that we need to work on. I love that the Holy Spirit is a gentleman. Hes never rude or short, but always honest. Assuming we allow ourselves moments where we can hear His voice. Thats step one. Secondly, in my life I have people that I allow to critique me. Someone Ive given if you say so power to. When anyone from this small circle of respected individuals tells me to man up and change something, I respond: If you say so, Ill do it. Choose someone you trust, look up to, and whose walk with the Lord you admire and ask them to mentor, challenge, and critique you regularly. Not just critique your golf swing, but your attitude, your example, your marriage, family, words, thoughts, actions, any area where you want to be more like Christ. As this verse tells us, having constructive criticism in our lives that is grounded in Godly perspective will yield more wisdom in our lives. Thats something I desire, and desire for you. Who has if you say so power in your life? If you dont have an answer, ask God to help you find someone, then approach the person to whom he leads you!
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 19:47:27 +0000

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