Proverbs 18:22(NKJV) He who finds a wife finds a good thing,And - TopicsExpress


Proverbs 18:22(NKJV) He who finds a wife finds a good thing,And obtains favor from the Lord. Waking up and reading my Bro Minster Kenny Bell status of celebrating his marriage, I am proud of you Brother and pray everyday that god keep your marriage. Made me think that yesterday 12/22/2014 would have been mine. I have truly overcome marriage and divorce at this point in my life. New to some and old news to others. On December 22nd, 2002, I would have been marriage 12 years and together 14 years with my ex-husband Rodney Banks. To some people this is a great thing and others wonder how did you stay so long. Please believe that I believe in the covenant of marriage and all of what GOD desires from marriage couples. Marriage is takes the work of two people who have GOD as the firm foundation in everything that they do. My marriage was not perfect, though outsiders my feel it was, somethings couldnt be far from perfect. Two people started out as young and in love ending up, two very different people in the end. The covenant of God in marriage doesnt change. We as individuals do along the way. I was blessed with two handsome boys, family and love in years of memories with the good, bad, and ugly I will wouldnt take back for the world. Rodney was my best friend, a love, and father of my children. One thing from being married and now single life Its not the life for me, but I will patiently wait for my BOAZ, the man of GOD he is making just for me to come again. I will be ready this time to love in the right order, GOD, MYSELF, SPOUSE, and CHILDREN. Men if you are single out here, remember, He who finds a wife finds a good thing,And obtains favor from the Lord. Dont waste you time being scared just to play the IM SINGLE GAMES, you get hurt that way , GOD is not in it. I WAS and ALWAYS will be a #GOODTHING. I am #WORTH more then #RUBIES SO if you find that special one thats in your heart, and there love has brought you through so much in a very dark time in you life. Be thankful cause I am. Moving forward and grown so much, and learned so much. In marriage and in Love. When you have it, fight for it cause it is nothing like it on earth. LOVE EFUA.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 17:26:48 +0000

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