..............Proverbs 20: 25 It is a snare to the man who - TopicsExpress


..............Proverbs 20: 25 It is a snare to the man who devoureth that which is holy, and after vows to make enquiry..............................I LEARNED A LONG TIME AGO TO BE CAREFUL NOT TO TOUCH GODS ANOINTED, NOR DO HIS PROPHETS AND ALL PEOPLE OF GOD, NO HARM....................IF I DONT know SURE someone is FALSE, and even if i FEEL they are FALSE, if the SPIRIT dont tell me to say it, IM NOT SAYING IT. I HOPE YOU younger PASTORS, PROPHETS, EVANGELISTS, TEACHERS, APOSTLES, understand this so GOD can BLESS YOU TO GROW, and not TAKE SOME OF YOUR ANOINTING......SOME things WE arent CALLED TO FIGHT................they will just WEAKEN our ANOINTING...................... ................As a prophet and pastor, who feels CALLED TO MINSTER TO MILLIONS, let me HOPEFULLY give YOU ADVICE if you are called to do the SAME..........................................I HOPE YOU ARE CALLED TO DO THE SAME so let me tell you SOMETHING I THINK WILL not be to YOUR ADVANTAGE OR HELPFUL. It is SOMETHING I WONDER if it would TICK JESUS off and make HIM take away some of YOUR ANOINTING..........I DONT WANT THAT TO HAPPEN, so LET ME SAY THIS....BE REAL CAREFUL NOT TO TOUCH GODS ANOINTED OR DO HIS PROPHETS NO HARM.........not BIG ONES, or SMALL ONES like me. EITHER WAY, HE WILL GET YOU, AND DECREASE YOU, simply because IF HE MAKES YOU ANY BIGGER, you will GO AROUND TEARING DOWN OTHER MINISTRIES...............this is the VERSE many PROPHETS look at when they FEEL they are called to TEAR down FALSE MINISTRIES....................(Jeremiah 1:10) 9Then the LORD put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the LORD said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth........................................... ......................JEREMIAH 1: 10See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.......... ....................A YOUNG PROPHET OR PROPHETESS sees VERY WELL, that they are called to PULL DOWN, DESTROY, and THROW down.............WHAT THEY TOTALLY miss is they are ALSO CALLED TO BUILD AND PLANT........................................SO ITS A BALANCE. And when WE as prophets TEAR DOWN ONE HUGE MINISTRY (OR TRY) Even if we could, WOULD WE BE ABLE TO REPLACE THAT MINISTRY, PLANT AND BULID?..........A LOT OF PEOPLE may LIKE Joel Osteen, and MAYBE its not a PERFECT MESSAGE to me or YOU.................but it may get MASSES a little CLOSER to JESUS..................................JESUS SAID, HED seperate WHEAT from TARES, and I HAVE SEEN many people come against ME, call me false and fall in time...........LOL! When you see people come after you and fail, YOU realize COMING after the WRONG person..........WILL HURT your ANOINTING. If you, i, we, arent VERY, VERY, VERY SURE, and EVEN IF THE spirit WAS TO TELL ME VERY SURE SOMEONE IS A FALSE PROPHET, it may not tell me to TELL THE WORLD............................everything YOU, I, ANY prophet KNOWS, we dont have to say..........................................AND IN YOUNGER prophetic years, I said some things that WERENT right. I WAS WRONG about MUCH. So i am VERY , VERY careful now to BE VERY CAREFUL what i say, ESPECIALLY if its DECLARING ANOTHER BIG MINISTER anywhere to be false. TO ME A FALSE PROPHET is a PROPHET, PREACHER, TEACHER, MINISTER, TEACHER who doesnt say JESUS IS LORD, SAVIOR, AND GOD COME DOWN in the FLESH........THAT, I am sure is a FALSE PROPHET, and many of them DONt even know they are FALSE. They really believe what they say............................................SO I CAN BEST SIMPLY SAY TO ALL......JESUS IS LORD, GOD, MESSIAH, KING, and if you dont want to be a FALSE PROPHET, say that............and ALL WHO HEAR me, WITHOUT ME ever naming them, WILL STILL KNOW I FEEL THEY ARE FALSE, and ALL WHO HEAR ME CAN PERFECTLY DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES WHO IS FALSE AND WHO IS TRUE based upon that BIBLE INFORMATION........................I DONT HAVE TO BE SO QUICK TO NAME NAMES............................................ ................IN FACT OBSERVE...........PAY ATTENTION..............DO YOU SEE HARDLY ANY HUGE MINISTERS PUTTING THEIR MOUTHS ON ANOTHER HUGE MINISTER? NOPE......ONLY SMALLER PEOPLE BASH BIG MINISTERS. THE ONES WHO GOD ALLOWS TO GET HUGE.......ARE SO BUSY PREACHING WHAT GOD TOLD THEM........THEY DONT HAVE TIME OR THE DESIRE TO BASH ANOTHER BIG MINISTER. AND IF THEY DID IT, I DO NOT THINK GOD WOULD HAVE LET THEM GROW TO BE SO BIG..........................PEOPLE WHO BUILD THEIR MESSAGE, MINISTRY ON EXPOSING WHO THEY BELIEVE IS FALSE PROPHETS........NEVER REALLY GROW VERY LARGE............................I SAY LIKE ANYONE ELSE, THERE ARE FALSE PROPHETS. BUT I DO NOT SAY I KNOW WHO THEY ARE. ESPECIALLY IF THEY CLAIM JESUS IS LORD. TO ME A FALSE PROPHET DOESNT CALL JESUS LORD...............................................AND IF I CALL A TRUE PROPHET, FALSE.............................GOD WILL GET ME. HERE I AM TEARING DOWN SOMEONE AND NOT SURE WHAT THEY ARE........THIS IS ME. AND I WANT TO HELP YOU AS WELL......................THIS IS PROVERBS WISDOM...................IT IS A SNARE (TRAP) TO DEVOUR SOMETHING HOLY AND VOW TO AFTERWARDS TO ENQUIRE, CHECK IT OUT, INVESTIGATE IT............................................ID RATHER JUST SAY, I DONT KNOW WHO IS FALSE IF I DONT...........AND WHO IS REAL. I KNOW I AM.....AND THAT REALLY IS ALL THAT MATTERS. IF I WANT THE WORLD TO COME TO JESUS.......HOW BOUT I PREACH AS BEST I CAN..................................AND I THINK THE WORLD WILL COME...............
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 22:38:40 +0000

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