Proverbs 3:5 (NIV) Verse 5. Trust in the Lord with all your - TopicsExpress


Proverbs 3:5 (NIV) Verse 5. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; Verse 6. in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Show Me Your Ways Through Trust (Proverbs 3:5-6) Trust - a small word with an absolutely enormous meaning! To be able to trust another person or group of people is a fundamental necessity in this world. If there was no trust between people, just imagine the chaos this world would have! Trust is also crucially important when it comes to our faith in God. To have faith is to trust God and to have confidence in God’s all powerful and loving presence in this world and in our lives. Solomon calls us to trust in God with ALL of our heart, and not to lean on our own small, sometimes severely deficient, understanding. We are but humans. God knows what is best for us and is a far better judge of what we need than we will ever be! To trust in God with all of our heart is to trust Him completely in every choice we make. This is not always easy for us. We want to give all of our cares to God. We even verbally and prayerfully hand them over to Him. But often we snatch them right back in a feeble and terribly human attempt to do it ourselves. Solomon reminds us to acknowledge God in all of our ways and God will make our paths straight. If we put God first in all aspects of our lives, if we are willing to listen to what the Word of God is calling us to do and be, if we lay our prayers at the feet of God and follow His leading, then our paths will be made straight through God’s guidance and protection. We must be willing to turn EVERY aspect of our lives over to God and make God a vital part of all we do so that we are constantly working to accomplish God’s will for our lives. This kind of living is dependent on our trusting and having faith in our loving God. We do not always understand the paths on which we are led. Our lives are often clouded with situations far beyond our control. Our faith may be shaken to the core during those times. However, for those who cling to their faith as they wrestle with such uncertainties, peace prevails. There is comfort in knowing that our lives are in hands stronger, wiser, and better than our own. Our trust in God blossoms with our acknowledgement of God’s sovereignty over life, and the confidence that we always find peace when we seek to follow God’s will for our lives. Discussion Questions and Reflection Activities To trust in God with all of our heart, we are called to turn every aspect of our lives over to God. 1. How easy/difficult has it been for you to do this throughout your life? Can you share with the group a time or situation where you have struggled with this? What was the outcome? How did it impact your faith and trust in God? In many areas of our lives we find it easy to trust and have faith in God. However, it is in the areas that we attempt to restrict or ignore God’s influence (and we all do to some degree) that we will experience unrest. 2. Give each member of your group a piece of paper and a pen. At the top, have them write today’s Scripture lesson (Proverbs 3:5-6). Next, ask them to think of and write down areas of their life where they have not given God their complete trust. Encourage them to include these aspects of their lives in prayer each day, seeking to trust in God’s wisdom and direction. Using the word TRUST, write an acrostic poem that helps define the word in the context of our lesson for today. Prayer: Close the lesson with prayer. Pray for guidance and direction in seeking to trust God with all of our hearts and in all that we do. Pray for courage to turn over to God those aspects of our lives that we tend hold on to out of fear and lack of trust. Thank God for His loving and nurturing presence in our lives. Pray for guidance so that we can show others God’s love and goodness.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 19:35:17 +0000

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