Provocative comment from a thread: Everyone in this country and - TopicsExpress


Provocative comment from a thread: Everyone in this country and throughout the world, who pays any attention to American politics know that the Republican Party is racist in its foundation, beliefs, deeds, agendas and membership. They are a anti-American, anti-government, treasonous, seditious group of criminal fascist who fully intend replace our democracy with plutocracy and install a radical Christian theocracy, lead by the oligarchs that bought Americas governmental institutions over the past 35 years when they started by purchasing the Oval Office in 1980 and owned Presidents Ronald Reagan, George Bush sr, George W Bush. Then through their Presidential proxies they bought the SCOTUS. This enabled them to facilitate changes in the Constitution allowing them to exclude large numbers of Americans from voting, stealing the presidential election of 2000 and the purchasing of many of the states legislatures and governorships. They then went about purchasing the fourth estate ( the free press) so their treasonous activities would go virtually unreported in the press. Then 9/11 came along which started the transfer of billions of public funds into private hands over the corse of thirteen years and the creation of a private army called Blackwater Security, owned by Halliburton and controlled by the Republican Vice President Dick Cheney. Then they gerrymandered their congressional districts following the U.S. census in 2010, locking out of contention the Democratic Party from the House of Representatives. Then they mobilized their racist base around obstructing the black interloper that occupied the White House thus creating a gridlocked government for six long years compelling Americans to hate their government and seek to make any changes in order to but it back to work for the constituency that put them there. Sweeping the very party that plotted to seize United States Government into a Senate majority. Once theyve secured the Presidency by hook or by crook in 2016 the take over of the government will be completed. This is how the people of United States will find themselves locked out of its own government, and without a democratic republic and governed by a Christian Theocracy, for the profit of oligarchs in a plutocracy. HAPPY NEW YEAR! ~Kevin McDermott ~
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 03:42:57 +0000

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