Ps 113:9 He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a - TopicsExpress


Ps 113:9 He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the Lord. My Hannah experience-(very short version) I will never forget the tears. Diagnosis of infertility. Ill never forget being able to hide it for so long till the day we were watching little children in church presenting something, under a tent in a Kenyan village...And the dam broke and I wept. Lord, why not me? Will I never have children to sing about you? Will the childish voices I hear only come from other peoples children? I walked out, unable to control the deep, anguished sobs, fearing I would wail out loud... Little knowing that my cry would be my source of help. Our friends who had taken us to that worship service had struggled (we werent in their country at the time and had not known) with infertility and had gone the SDA herbalist route. They had not known about the infertility testing, the failed treatments, the giving up and decision to adopt once we got back to South Africa. They had no clue till I wept in church one day... Those who have been on this group for a long time know how the herbs went. But its not about the journey, its about how if God wants you to parent, He will find a way for you to reach the Parenting destination.He will help you become a parent, be it through natural means or adoption. Every child you nurture is a blessing. Barren permanently or not, if it is His will, you WILL become a joyful mother of children.~T
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 14:05:35 +0000

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