Psalm 118:5-8 Out of my distress I called on the LORD; the LORD - TopicsExpress


Psalm 118:5-8 Out of my distress I called on the LORD; the LORD answered me and set me free. The LORD is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me? The LORD is on my side as my helper; I shall look in triumph on those who hate me. It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man. My devotion this morning says When I was growing up, the largest bank in our city was the First National Bank and Trust Company. That sounds dependable and trustworthy, doesnt it? The very name indicates, You can trust this bank. Of course, the name itself did not keep anyone or anything safe. However, the name represented a promise to the banks customers who would want assurance that their money was secure. Security is one of our basic emotional needs. We all need to feel safe. We live in a world of danger and risk. So, where do you turn for refuge in the face of trouble? Whom do you call on first when your life is teetering over the brink of disaster? Whom do you trust? We all must ultimately decide where we put our faith. The psalmist declared, through personal experience, that God was worthy of his trust. He recognized that the Lord is our only true security in this life and beyond. In verse 6, he stated that the Lord is for us. If the Lord is on your side, what can human beings do to you?We do depend, to some extent, on others for safety and security. But as the psalmist declared, ultimately and finally, we need to recognize that the Lord is on our side over anything or anyone else. Do you really trust in Jesus? May of us would say yes, of course! But do we lay our problems at His feet on our knees trusting that He knows what is best for us or many times do we try to fix it ourselves and then when we see we cant give it to God? God is bigger than our problems! But the devil would love for you to live a defeated life constantly worrying about your problems instead of trusting your God to fix them. We serve a mighty God who is in control even when our lives seem out of control. He loves us and wants the very best for us and if we are experiencing difficulties He is teaching us something. Either how to get through it with His help or to lay it all at His feet and allow Him to handle it! All we have to do is trust in Jesus! Lord, thank You for who You are and how You can help us if we will just call upon Your Holy Name. Help us to get on our knees and lay our problems at Your feet allowing You to deal with them. You can fix it and may we trust you to do so! Amen!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 10:36:30 +0000

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