Psalm 119:161-176 God’s Word Filling Us With God’s - TopicsExpress


Psalm 119:161-176 God’s Word Filling Us With God’s Wisdom Introduction Psalm 119:161-176: Today’s reading is the concluding section to Psalm 119. The psalmist expresses love for the Law of the Lord and trusts in the Lord’s promises. The psalm closes with a prayer for the Lord’s saving help. Today’s Scripture: Psalm 119:171 I will always praise you, because you teach me your laws. Today’s Reading 161 Powerful people attack me unjustly, but I respect your law. 162 How happy I am because of your promises— as happy as someone who finds rich treasure. 163 I hate and detest all lies, but I love your law. 164 Seven times each day I thank you for your righteous judgments. 165 Those who love your law have perfect security, and there is nothing that can make them fall. 166 I wait for you to save me, LORD, and I do what you command. 167 I obey your teachings; I love them with all my heart. 168 I obey your commands and your instructions; you see everything I do. 169 Let my cry for help reach you, LORD! Give me understanding, as you have promised. 170 Listen to my prayer, and save me according to your promise! 171 I will always praise you, because you teach me your laws. 172 I will sing about your law, because your commands are just. 173 Always be ready to help me, because I follow your commands. 174 How I long for your saving help, O LORD! I find happiness in your law. 175 Give me life, so that I may praise you; may your instructions help me. 176 I wander about like a lost sheep; so come and look for me, your servant, because I have not neglected your laws. Reflect You have spent the past eleven days reading Psalm 119. Go back and briefly review the psalm as a whole. What themes do you see repeated throughout the psalm? What different emotions are revealed throughout the psalm? How does this psalm speak to different dimensions of your faith experience? How has meditating on God’s Law these past eleven days impacted your life? Pray Please Lord, hear my prayer, and give me the understanding that comes from your Word. I find happiness in your law, O Lord, and I will always praise you because you teach me your laws. Keep me close to you and rooted in your teachings. Amen. Prayer Concern Those studying God’s laws
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 09:56:29 +0000

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