Psalm 142 Cries Of Desperation They can break your heart. - TopicsExpress


Psalm 142 Cries Of Desperation They can break your heart. They remind me of the words of the psalmist: “My spirit was overwhelmed within me . . . . No one cares for my soul” (PSALM 142:3-4). I’m talking about letters we receive here at RBC Ministries. They come from brokenhearted people who ask us to pray for them as they struggle through life. “I have suffered nervous breakdowns and heart problems,” says one person. “I try so very hard to accept God’s will in my life.” A mother writes, “I’m so burdened for my daughter. She’s backslidden, and I wonder if she was ever really born again.” And yet another says, “I just had a health test, and next week I have a brain scan.” In Psalm 142, David was trapped in a cave, praying for deliverance from his powerful enemies. Although our situations may be far different, we can learn from him as we pray for help against the destructive forces we face in life. We can learn that God is always there to listen (142:1), that He knows our situation (142:3), and that He is our refuge (142:5). What is your pressing need today? Cry out to God. Lean on Him completely. Wait for His help. Then, like the psalmist, you too can praise God’s holy name (142:7). —Dave Branon Your problems can never exhaust God’s provisions. Our Daily Bread: Hope and strength in times of illness
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 05:23:42 +0000

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