Psalm 34.7 The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear - TopicsExpress


Psalm 34.7 The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them. Atthe beginning of the year we noticed our daughter was starting to show more signs of having Autism.The months that have followed have been full on, and very emotional! As we journeyed a whole different parenting ball game. Through the meltdowns, hitting screaming, sleepless nights. It has had me on my knees quite a lot. I was to some degree helpless in helping my daughter I didnt know what to do! I worry about her future ..tightly holding onto the promise that Gods plans for our life are for good to prosper us my daughter will have an awsome future because our God says so. No diagnoses will be holding her back! 6 months ago I had no idea how we were going to get through it, the strain it has on our marriage our other 2 children is huge at times. But if we put God first no matter what comes against us God promises to deliver us! Our family is being brought closer together I love my husband so much more! We are learning to live the Scriptures! What a beautiful journey! I just wanted to encourage you to hold on through the storm dont loose hope! Our daughter was prayed for at a healing service last sunday! With our own eyes we have seen a whole new girl this week! She was at the point of using less and less words pointing and making noises to comunicate. She lookedsad and with drawn! She has been talking beautifully all week! Happy laughing and playing! We thank God for his hand on her life and we are amazed and in awe of the miracle that we have longed for for so long! We serve a mighty God! Nothing is impossible for him! Be blessed! Hold on and dont give up hope! God bless
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 20:48:52 +0000

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