Psalm 5 For the flutes.* A song of David.* 1Lord, hear my - TopicsExpress


Psalm 5 For the flutes.* A song of David.* 1Lord, hear my words. Understand what I am trying to say. 2My God and King, listen to my prayer. 3Every morning, Lord, I lay my gifts before you and look to you {for help}. And every morning, you hear my prayers. 4God, you don’t like evil {people near you}. Evil people can’t worship you.* 5Fools* can’t come near you. You hate* people who do evil. 6You destroy people who tell lies. You hate people who make secret plans to hurt other people. 7But, Lord, by your great mercy, I will come to your temple.* I will bow toward your holy temple with fear and respect for you, Lord. 8Lord, show me your right way of living. People are looking for my weaknesses, so show me how you want me to live. 9Those people don’t tell the truth. They are liars that twist the truth. Their mouths are like empty* graves. They say nice things to other people, but they are only trying to trap them. 10Punish them, God! Let them be caught in their own traps. Those people have turned against you, so punish them for their many crimes. 11But let the people who trust God be happy. Let them be happy forever! God, protect and give strength to the people who love your name. 12Lord, when you do good things to good people, you are like a large shield protecting them.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 11:00:10 +0000

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