Psalm 65-67.69-70 Praise to GOD for HIS Salvation and - TopicsExpress


Psalm 65-67.69-70 Praise to GOD for HIS Salvation and Providence To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David. A Song. Psalm 65:1 Praise is awaiting YOU, O GOD, in Zion; And to YOU the vow shall be performed. Psalm 65:2 O YOU WHO hear prayer, To YOU all flesh will come. Psalm 65:3 Iniquities prevail against me; As for our transgressions, YOU will provide atonement for them. Psalm 65:4 Blessed is the man YOU choose, And cause to approach Hebrews 10:19 YOU, That he may dwell in YOUR courts. 84:10 We shall be satisfied with the goodness of YOUR House, Of YOUR Holy Temple. Psalm 65:5 By awesome deeds in righteousness YOU will answer us, O GOD of our salvation, YOU WHO are The CONFIDENCE of all the ends of the earth, And of the far-off seas; Psalm 65:6 WHO established the mountains by HIS strength, Being clothed with power; Psalm 65:7 YOU WHO still the noise of the seas, The noise of their waves, And the tumult of the peoples. Psalm 65:8 They also who dwell in the farthest parts are afraid of YOUR signs; YOU make the outgoings of the morning and evening rejoice. Psalm 65:9 YOU visit the earth and water it, YOU greatly enrich it; The river of GOD https://youtube/watch?v=UYzEvsws3A4 is full of water; YOU provide their grain, For so YOU have prepared it. Psalm 65:10 YOU water its ridges abundantly, YOU settle its furrows; YOU make it soft with showers, YOU bless its growth. Psalm 65:11 YOU crown the year with YOUR goodness, And YOUR paths drip with abundance. Psalm 65:12 They drop on the pastures of the wilderness, And the little hills rejoice on every side. Psalm 65:13 The pastures are clothed with flocks; The valleys also are covered with grain; They shout for joy, they also sing. Praise to GOD for HIS Awesome Works To the Chief Musician. A Song. A Psalm. Psalm 66:1 Make a joyful shout to GOD, all the earth! Psalm 66:2 Sing out the honour of HIS NAME; Make HIS praise glorious. Psalm 66:3 Say to GOD, “How awesome are YOUR works! Through the greatness of YOUR power YOUR enemies shall submit themselves to YOU. Psalm 66:4 All the earth shall worship YOU And sing praises to YOU; They shall sing praises to YOUR NAME.” SELAH Psalm 66:5 Come and see the works of GOD; HE is awesome in HIS doing toward the sons of men. Psalm 66:6 HE turned the sea into dry land; They went through the river on foot. There we will rejoice in HIM. Psalm 66:7 HE rules by HIS power forever; HIS eyes observe the nations; Do not let the rebellious exalt themselves. SELAH Psalm 66:8 Oh, bless our GOD, you peoples! And make the voice of HIS praise to be heard, Psalm 66:9 WHO keeps our soul among the living, And does not allow our feet to be moved. Exodus 14:13,14 Psalm 66:10 For YOU, O GOD, have tested us; YOU have refined us as silver is refined. Psalm 66:11 YOU brought us into the net; YOU laid affliction on our backs. Psalm 66:12 YOU have caused men to ride over our heads; We went through fire and through water; IsaiAH 43:2 But YOU brought us out to rich fulfillment. Psalm 66:13 I will go into YOUR House with burnt offerings; I will pay YOU my vows, Psalm 66:14 Which my lips have uttered And my mouth has spoken when I was in trouble. Psalm 66:15 I will offer YOU burnt sacrifices of fat animals, With the sweet aroma of rams; I will offer bulls with goats. SELAH Psalm 66:16 Come and hear, all you who fear GOD, And I will declare what HE has done for my soul. 111John 2 https://youtube/watch?v=r6jBHGyptLU Psalm 66:17 I cried to HIM with my mouth, And HE was extolled with my tongue. Psalm 66:18 If I regard iniquity in my heart, The LORD will not hear. Psalm 66:19 But certainly GOD has heard me; HE has attended to the voice of my prayer. Psalm 66:20 Blessed be GOD, WHO has not turned away my prayer, Nor HIS mercy Lamentations 3:23 from me! An Invocation and a Doxology To the Chief Musician. On stringed instruments. A Psalm. A Song. Psalm 67:1 GOD be merciful to us and bless us, And cause HIS face to shine upon us, SELAH Psalm 67:2 That YOUR way may be known on earth, YOUR salvation among all nations. Psalm 67:3 Let the peoples praise YOU, O GOD; Let all the peoples praise YOU. Psalm 67:4 Oh, let the nations be glad and sing for joy! For YOU shall judge the people righteously, And govern the nations on earth. SELAH Psalm 67:5 Let the peoples praise YOU, O GOD; Let all the peoples praise YOU. Psalm 67:6 Then the earth shall yield her increase; GOD, our own GOD, shall bless us. Psalm 67:7 GOD shall bless us, And all the ends of the earth shall fear HIM. An Urgent Plea for Help in Trouble To the Chief Musician. Set to “The Lilies.” A Psalm of David. Psalm 69:1 Save me, O GOD! For the waters have come up to my neck. Psalm 69:2 I sink in deep mire, https://youtube/watch?v=3n5w_2IXvuA Where there is no standing; I have come into deep waters, Where the floods overflow me. Psalm 69:3 I am weary with my crying; My throat is dry; My eyes fail while I wait for my GOD. Psalm 69:4 Those who hate me without a cause Are more than the hairs of my head; They are mighty who would destroy me, Being my enemies wrongfully; Though I have stolen nothing, I still must restore it. Psalm 69:5 O GOD, YOU know my foolishness; And my sins are not hidden from YOU. Psalm 69:6 Let not those who wait IsaiAH 40:31 https://youtube/watch?v=4wcdY2v5Kio for YOU, O LORD GOD of Hosts, be ashamed because of me; Let not those who seek YOU be confounded because of me, O GOD of IsraEL. Psalm 69:7 Because for YOUR sake I have borne reproach; Shame has covered my face. Psalm 69:8 I have become a stranger to my brothers, And an alien to my mother’s children; Psalm 69:9 Because zeal for YOUR House has eaten me up, And the reproaches of those who reproach YOU have fallen on me. Psalm 69:10 When I wept and chastened my soul with fasting, That became my reproach. Psalm 69:11 I also made sackcloth my garment; I became a byword to them. Psalm 69:12 Those who sit in the gate speak against me, And I am the song of the drunkards. Psalm 69:13 But as for me, my prayer is to YOU, O LORD, in the acceptable time; O GOD, in the multitude of YOUR mercy, Hear me in the truth of YOUR salvation. Psalm 69:14 Deliver me out of the mire, And let me not sink; Let me be delivered from those who hate me, And out of the deep waters. Psalm 69:15 Let not the floodwater overflow me, Nor let the deep swallow me up; And let not the pit shut its mouth on me. Psalm 69:16 Hear me, O LORD, for YOUR lovingkindness is good; Turn to me according to the multitude of YOUR tender mercies. Psalm 69:17 And do not hide YOUR face from YOUR servant, For I am in trouble; Hear me speedily. Psalm 69:18 Draw near to my soul, and redeem it; Deliver me because of my enemies. Psalm 69:19 YOU know my reproach, my shame, and my dishonour; My adversaries are all before YOU. Psalm 69:20 Reproach has broken my heart, And I am full of heaviness; Galatians 5:22 I looked for someone to take pity, but there was none; 2Corinthians 1:3-7 And for comforters, but I found none. Psalm 69:21 They also gave me gall / hemlock/ poison/ venom for my food, And for my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink. Psalm 69:22 Let their table become a snare before them, And their well-being a trap. Psalm 69:23 Let their eyes be darkened, so that they do not see; And make their loins shake continually. Psalm 69:24 Pour out YOUR indignation upon them, Matthew 7:12 (What goes around, comes around) And let YOUR wrathful anger take hold of them. Psalm 69:25 Let their dwelling place be desolate; Let no one live in their tents. Psalm 69:26 For they persecute the ones (kicking while the other person is down already) YOU have struck, And talk of the grief of those YOU have wounded. Psalm 69:27 Add iniquity to their iniquity, And let them not come into YOUR righteousness. Psalm 69:28 Let them be blotted out of the book of the living, And not be written with the righteous. Psalm 69:29 But I am poor and sorrowful; Let YOUR salvation, O GOD, set me up on high. Psalm 69:30 I will praise the NAME of GOD with a song, And will magnify HIM with thanksgiving. Psalm 69:31 This also shall please 1SamuEL 15:23 The LORD better than an ox or bull, Which has horns and hooves. Psalm 69:32 The humble shall see this and be glad; And you who seek GOD, your hearts shall live. Psalm 69:33 For The LORD hears the poor, And does not despise HIS prisoners. Psalm 69:34 Let heaven and earth praise HIM, The seas and everything that moves in them. Psalm 69:35 For GOD will save Zion And build the cities of JudAH, That they may dwell there and possess it. Psalm 69:36 Also, the descendants of HIS servants shall inherit it, And those who love HIS NAME shall dwell in it. Prayer for Relief from Adversaries To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David. To bring to remembrance. Psalm 70:1 Make haste, O GOD, to deliver me! Make haste to help me, O LORD! Psalm 70:2 Let them be ashamed and confounded Who seek my life; Let them be turned back and confused Who desire my hurt. Psalm 70:3 Let them be turned back because of their shame, Who say, “Aha, aha!” Psalm 70:4 Let all those who seek YOU rejoice and be glad in YOU; And let those who love YOUR salvation say continually, “Let GOD be magnified!” https://youtube/watch?v=E9YLoxF-ao0 Psalm 70:5 But I am poor and needy; Make haste to me, O GOD! YOU are my HELP and my DELIVERER; O LORD, do not delay.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 13:17:01 +0000

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