Psalm 8: 4-5 4what are mere mortals that you should think about - TopicsExpress


Psalm 8: 4-5 4what are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them?c 5Yet you made them only a little #lower than #Godd and crowned theme with #glory and #honor. #Everything the devil wanted, God gave to us #easily. The devil rebelled in heaven because he wanted to be #like God. He said in Isaiah 14:13-14 13You said in your heart, ‘I’ll ascend to heaven, above the stars of God. I’ll erect my throne; I’ll situ on the Mount of Assembly in the far reaches of the north;v 14I’ll ascend above the tops of the clouds; I’ll make myself #like the Most High.’ The devil is #single, he cant marry or reproduce. Hes not like God who is 3 in 1 neither is he like man who is 2 in 1. (husband and wife becomes one when they marry). The devil was a worshipper and now man has been assigned the role of worshipping God. The devil #hates you and he is #jealous of how blessed you are! Thats why you must ##never succumb to the devils temptations, hes looking for ways to #destroy you. He doesnt want you to worship so God wont be pleased with you. Too bad the secret is out, #worship God with all your heart, body and soul today. When #praises go up, #blessings come down! #Receive that which you have been #expecting since January, God saves the #best for #last, dont let the devil #distract you with troubles, cast #everything aside and praise God. Yokes will be #broken today, your prayers will be #answered in Jesus name. Follow @walejana on Twitter and Instagram Jesus is Lord. Shalom
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 05:32:32 +0000

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