Psalms 23:6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the - TopicsExpress


Psalms 23:6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever. - Psalms 23:6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever. Wow! What a wonderful scripture. Goodness and mercy following us. What does this mean? It is all about the grace of God. The unmerited favour of God. Many of us thinks that before goodness and mercy will follow us we must do somethings like paying of tithe, giving of offerings, living right by our effort and so on. All these are lies. God does not bless us because of the good we do, he blessed us because of what Christ has done(eph. 1:3; Philemon 1:6, Micah 6:6, 2 cor 9:8, 2 cor 8:9, etc). When David was saying this there was something in his mind, but wont say it now, what I want to draw our attention to is the word, follow; the original word used here was attacked. What that means is that the grace of God has come to attack us. Halleluyah! I like the word attack. We dont deserve it, we did not look for grace, but it came to attack us. The grace of God damaged sin in man, thereby giving us access to somewhere. Guess what, the grace of God gave us the boldness to enter the presence of God. David said, after goodness and mercy follow us, that mercy would bring us to the house of the Lord(Gods presence). Its something to shout about, but dont shout too much: When Jesus gave up the ghost, the bible says that the veil that covered the temple, tore from the top to the bottom. The vail tore not for God to come out of the holies of holiest, but for us to go into the holies of holiest with boldness. Halleluyah! Grace brought us to the presence of God. I feel like shouting. Grace is attacking the Church. Grace is attacking the gentiles. Grace Grace Grace. It is grace andl grace alone. Amen.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 19:42:02 +0000

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