Psalms 3:6 Sisters and Brothers, our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST - TopicsExpress


Psalms 3:6 Sisters and Brothers, our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH saith that, I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people, that have set themselves against me round about. SHOULD YOU FEAR MEN? AND FEAR not them who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul:but rather fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell(Matthew 10:28). One vice no believer should accommodate is fear. Apart from hindering the perfection of GODS in your life, the book of Lamentations 3:47says, fear always precedes a snare, desolation and destruction. Before Job lost all what he had,fear first gripped him. Satan was not the one who stole Jobs blessings, it was fear. He had lost his wealth, business empire , children and his health to fear even before the devil struck. It was very easy for Satan to retrieve those blessings from fear. Job said on Job 3:25,For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me It was clear from this verse that rather than reject or expunge the arrows of fear shot at him, Job accepted and entertained them.No wonder the mirage became a reality! Never accept any suggestions of fear. Take your fears and worries to the LORD and leave them there.The fear you accommodate turns a mirage (an unreal appearance) into a reality, thereby making Satan boasts he too is a miracle worker. Rob him of such opportunities by releasing your faith. One thing Satan cannot stand is faith-dogged, rugged faith .Where ever he sees it, he frowns and runs because he knows GODS presence will be there. It is for many reasons GOD commands you never to fear a fellow man for some reasons. First, nobody can harm you while GOD is on your side. If the whole world were to rise against you , they would fail (Psalm 3:6).If you channel your fear towards man, it will hinder you from fearing GOD. When some workers sin and a member finds out, they will plead so that the deed is kept from the Pastors knowledge. It is obvious that they fear their Pastors more than GOD. Also, what ever you fear has a way of affecting you .If you fear men, you will remain in bondage to them. Even if man kills your body he is only helping you to quickly get to heaven to receive your rewards. Whoever you fear will determine your destiny. If you fear man , they will chart your progress according to their plan, but if you fear GOD, HE will chart your progress according to HIS plan which will be higher, Greater and far better than any plan man could ever have for you. PRAYER POINT. Fear can kill the fearful before death arrives; fear can rob him before the robbers attack. May the GOD of Abraham Bless You. Reverend. Dr.Daniel fubara Eule. General Overseer. Seed Sowers Pentecostal Healing Ministries Germany. Telephone. + 4915751379853, + 4915753179335.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 11:21:46 +0000

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