Pt. 2 Continue How do we hear the son? Let’s find out and - TopicsExpress


Pt. 2 Continue How do we hear the son? Let’s find out and by the way, verse 51 Jn 8:51 Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death. Hear god, hear the words of god, here the words of Jesus. Keep them... and never see death... Jesus says, my words, are the words of god... If you’re going to have life, then avoid spiritual death, an eternal death, You got to keep my words, We’ve got to listen,, to his words, God’s speaking ,, Words are communication God’s spealking ,, there gods words,, The sons words to us. Some direct,, message, or in a word,, in an inspired word,, That’s for us all,, Now that’s what were going to see,, isn’t it.. 2956 How do we listen to Christ? How does god speak to our hearts by his son? How does he do that? Well, by hearing the apostles, That he sent into the world, That’s how we do that,, In john 13 and verse 20. Jn 13:20 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me; And he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me. So we got to receive the one, who sent Jesus, But to do that, we have to receive Jesus... But to do that, we have to receive the one’s Jesus sent... The ones Jesus sent, were the apostles... That’s, what the word means, the ones sent... They had been sent, with the gospel, into the world... John 20:21 Jn 20:21 then said Jesus to them again, to the apostles... Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send me you. The father sent Jesus... into the world, with a word, Words of eternal life, john, 12:49 and 50... And he spoke them, So we could believe them... And receive him, and have eternal life... 3112 You want to listen to god, today, You want to hear Jesus’ today? He’s saying, in his scriptures, listen to the ones that I sent... The reason we can do that and ought to have confidence in doing that, Is because Jesus sent the Holy Spirit, to them... To the apostles, so that they had the message worth listening to... They had a message that we had to listen to, if we’re going to be saved... Look what the Holy Spirit did for the apostles… 3146 In john 14 and 25 and 26 he would teach them all things, and bring to their remembrance, all that I have said to you... Jesus sent the Holy Spirit, to the apostles, the helper, the comforter, That’s the promise, in john 14; Was to send the Holy Spirit to the apostles, And he said, Jn 14:26 he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. Jesus didn’t say all things to me... or to you, But he did to his apostles, He taught them, for over 3 years, and he says Now I’m going to send the holy spirit, to you, So that you will have, a remembrance of those things... So they could teach others, So they could preach, the gospel to the whole world, You see, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit, to the apostles, To bear testimony, of Christ... Chapter 15:26 of john, Jn 15:26 But when the ((helper comes)) the Comforter is come, Whom I will send unto you from the Father, Even the Spirit of truth, which proceeded from the Father, He shall testify of me: Jn 15:27 and ye also shall bear witness, because ye have been with me from the beginning. The apostles, had the promise, of the Holy Spirit, I wasn’t with Jesus, from the beginning, You weren’t with Jesus, from the beginning, So don’t go to that passage, and affirm, That god is sending you the comforter, To do the things, that he’s promised, he did to the apostles... It was a promise to them, Not to me and you, You and I have the responsibilities, of listening to what those apostles said, Because when we listen to them, were hearing Jesus... And when we’re hearing Jesus We’re hearing the one who sent him... The father... And isn’t that what this is about, Listening to god, because God, speaks to us, In these last days, by his son... That’s how we, listen to Jesus... How we listen to god... By listening to the ones Jesus sent... They were inspired, by the Holy Spirit, to accomplish, this work, for our benefit. 3406 Look in john 16, 12 through 15, The spirit was sent to the apostles, To guide them into all truth... John 16:12 I have yet many things to say unto you, But ye cannot bear them now. John 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come. Jn 16:14 He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you. Jn 16:15 All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, That he shall take of mine, and shall show it unto you. When god said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him. Hear him. . He could say that because, everything that Jesus had Belong to the father... And now the Holy Spirit, is going to take all, of those things And give them to the apostles... So they could teach it, So with that word, they could, convict the world, And it would be the work of the spirit, doing that convicting on the world, Verse 8, Jn 16:8 and when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: The Holy Spirit, inspired, the word of the apostles, It’s the words of Jesus... sent by the spirit of god, from heaven, itself, To convict me and you, and the whole world of sin, And that we need a savior, to teach us of righteousness, How we can be forgiven, and be upright before god, And to assure us, there will be judgment, from god, Of our lives... And so we need to listen, to god, By listening to Jesus, By listening to the word, of the apostles, That the Holy Spirit gave them, And that came from god... That’s how we listen to god, today... The apostle would later say, 1Co 2:16 we have the mind of Christ. And the words of the apostles, that was his point in 1cor. 2:16. After assuring, that the message the apostle was inspired by the spirit of god... Revealed to them by the spirit of god... Confirmed, by miracles, that attended their preaching, He said, we have the mind of Christ, This is why we listen to the apostolic word today... They have the mind of Christ, And we want to know what Christ, mind is... What his will is, for us... That we may live in harmony, with it, That we may conform our will to his will, Our mind, to his mind... And so walk with god, now, And live, with him eternally, The verse says, 1Co 2:16 for who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ. We don’t teach god, But god has spoken to us, in his son... Through the apostles... As verse 10 says, 1Co 2:10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. If you want to know the things that god has revealed, Then we have to go to the apostles, of Jesus... They have spoken, the mind of Christ... They spoke the word of god, In acts 13:44-49 Is just a number of illustrations, we could give, I want to reinforce with you there, this very briefly... Look when Paul was preaching, along with barnabus, in the city of Antioch, It said, Ac 13:44 and the next Sabbath day came almost the whole city together To hear the word of God. Now Luke says, what Paul and barnabus was preaching was the word of god, Luke wrote the book of acts... It says they came together to hear the word of god, If you want to hear god’s word, You want to hear god speak, Listen to the preaching, of the gospel That came from the apostles... Verse 46 Ac 13:46 Paul and Barnabas waxed bold, and said, It was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you: So we have spoken the word of god, to you... Verse 47, Ac 13:47 for so hath the Lord commanded us, saying, I have set thee to be a light of the Gentiles, that thou shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of the earth. Ac 13:48 and when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord: The apolostic preaching, what they taught, were hearing the word of the lord... We have to listen to that... When we listen to them, were listening to the lord... And the word of the lord, was spread throughout all the regions, verse 49 Do you want to hear god? Do you want god to speak to you? Then go to the apostle’s word, That’s how god talks to you, Do you really want god, to speak to you? Do you really want to know his message? Do you really want to hear, his voice? If you do, thanks be to god, we have a way... It’s the scriptures... God’s talking to you, in the apostolic teachings, Paul said, 1Co 14:37 the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord. They spoke them, and they wrote them... For our benefit... When we will hear, we will receive the writings of the apostles, We are hearing, and receiving Jesus, Remember he said, Jn 13:20 He that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me; and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me. When we receive the apolistic words, and writings, We’re receiving Jesus... But to do that, means were receiving the holy spirits, Who gave them that word, Which came from the father... 3944 Do you want god in your life? You want to listen to god, You want to follow his word, You have to go to the apolostic, scriptures, now, To their teachings, Because were to hear Jesus’ and not Moses, Moses spoke for god, But he’s not the authority today, Jesus is... Jesus said, Mt 28:18 all power is given unto me So, the authoritative message is the apostles of Jesus Christ, That is to save us, and sustain us, unto eternity... By hearing his apostles, we hear Jesus... That’s the way god speaks, to our heart, By means of the inspired scriptures... In summary, we’ve got to hear and learn, from god, If we’re going to be saved... 4031 And then that’s where we began, Jesus said, that Jn 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: Jn 6:45 It is written in the prophets, and they shall be all taught of God. God, has to teach you, You got to hear from god, You got to learn from god... And what we’ve seen, in this study is, The way we listen to god, Is to listen to his scriptures, spoken by the Holy Spirit, Given to the apostles, of Jesus... To go preach that message, And write that message, down, for the whole world, Inspired scripture, inspired writings Writings, that have been breathe forth, by god... Because its god’s word, God’s message, to you...and to me, And to the whole world... And so were taught, Take heed, how you hear, Luke 8:18 But he also said, He, who has an ear to hear, let him hear... But that point is simply being, Do you want to listen to god? Then listen... He who has an ear to hear, Are you ready to listen? Are you ready to listen to god? Not men, not traditions, not creeds, not emotions, not experiences, Just go to the word... You know it’s interesting, we can go to a newspaper, and read it, And know what it says, We can go to a book, a novel, We can read it And know what it says... We can go to a legal document, At least a lawyer says He knows what it says, But we get to the bible, and people, say, We can’t really know, what it says, I deny that, 4221 I deny that with all the vigor, that I have, You can understand, what god says, It is god’s word, God has not left you To rash about and to wonder and You can know, The question is, Is your heart ready to listen? And that’s up to you... That’s up to you, to decide to have a heart, that’s ready to listen to god, That’s ready to listen to god, God’s got a message, for you, The message is in these scriptures. The message is, that Jesus is the son of god, That he died for the sins of the world... That means he died for you, So that you could go to heaven, So that you could live, in fellowship with god, now, And you can have eternal life, And you could be sustained, now and eternally by the bread of life, That came down from heaven... Are you ready to listen? I hope you are, because you see, Were also taught, to Heb 12:25 See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. Don’t refuse him, Prepare your heart, to listen to his word, and then, Believe his word, And then obey his word, And be saved from your sins, And live with him now, and forever more, Become a Christian, and be faithful to the lord, We want to help you in both respects, The call of the gospel, is to come, Won’t you do that? God is drawing, God is calling, And wants to draw you to the son, Won’t you do that? While we stand and sing..
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 18:45:14 +0000

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