Pt. 2 Zacchaeus was a wee little man/ And a wee little man was - TopicsExpress


Pt. 2 Zacchaeus was a wee little man/ And a wee little man was he/ He climbed up in a sycamore tree/ For the Lord he wanted to see... (youtube/watch?v=-9ipEE52i6o). When I was a child, I used to sing that song in Sunday School. All my life, I had it in my mind that that little guy, also a rich tax collector, was just trying to find and see Jesus over all that crowd--until yesterday. Yesterday, I was driving in my car in Birmingham and I was meditatin on this story and it suddenly hit me like a bag of nails--Zacchaeus thought he was trying to see Jesus, BUT, actually it was Jesus who came to see him! Wow! Why hadnt I noticed that before? I can see that little man balancing himself on those quivering branches, bobbing up and down, trying to get a glimpse of the faraway Savior. Out of that huge mob our Lord, deliberately walks straight for him. Standing under that tree, He calls out to Zacchaeus that that very day He had come to see him (Luke 19:5). Folks, that is the way it is with salvation. We think it is us who finally, after many a stubborn refusal, after years wandering lost in darkness, just gave in one day and finally came to Jesus. Its like we make the Son of God our absolute last resort. Who do we think we are? Who do we think God is? NO, it is God who has SOUGHT US OUT! He came in absolute mercy and grace to that straggley tree of life that we were trapped in and brought us down to the life He had always intended for us to have. So you see, God really saves us FROM ourselves as much as from sin. Lookin for Jesus? I hear so many people talk about searching for themselves, trying to figure out who they really are. Whats our destiny in life? Just who am I????????How do we have the gall to think we actually have the power to decide such things? So many people just use that as an excuse to spit on eternity and waste the precious time they were given on this earth, indulging themselves in all kinds of selfish pursuits. But, it doesnt take too many wrong turns in life to figure out two things in life--1. God is sovereign. 2. We aint Him! Gods Word tells us, Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee (Jer.1:5). Think about that. In these verses God is telling Jeremiah that He intended for him to become a prophet before he was even conceived! What does that say about us? God put you on this planet for a divine purpose. People may joke that you were an accident, but no, God allowed you here for a reason. What is it? Well, getting saved puts you on the road to discovering what God really meant you to be! You already know God is calling you, even now. Youre trying to wade through all the confusion and torments of life just to get a glimpse of Jesus. But Jesus is standing right there at the door of your heart knocking already. Lookin for Jesus? Well, Hes already here, just for you! Just do what little Zacchaeus did, stop cluching desperately to the branches of your shaky life, climb down, and go to your Savior today. He, alone, gives life. Neither we, or anything of this world can. I dont care how rich the lottery, how hot the bod, dazzling the career, or dizzy the high. Without Him were all little Humpty Dumptys just waiting for that fall. Read these scriptures: Revelation 3:20, Matthew 10:39, John 8:12, 10:10, 1 John 5:12. Mo comin!
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 21:16:44 +0000

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