Public Beware! This is an update on the fraud and deception by - TopicsExpress


Public Beware! This is an update on the fraud and deception by Dami Ewa by wearhouse that she is a trainedl/ pro makeup artist, skincare therapist, beauty therapist and I doubt she has a hair factory as she claims. Dami Ewa by wear house is a fraud. She did not train in ghana on skin care as she told me, niether is she a trained or professional therapist. Registering with her on any training on skincare or what so ever on beauty therapy or buying products from her is at your own risk. Yesterday a contact gave Saphire skincare who Ewa by wear house to cover up her shamewants collaborate with to organise a skincare training as stated on her post on facebook today. Saphire told me that Dami Ewa by wear house contacted her to train her on skin care but couldnt afford the fee. Dami then went to buy her products . Only for saphire to find out later that she took the picture of her product, saphires training picture and started displaying on her blog. When saphire found out she challenged her and she said she wants to be working as her agent, because she likes her product. It would interest you to know that this same Dami Ewa by wear house also contacted me 1st quater of last year to learn skincare but couldnt afford my training fee too. When she saw my new product this year, she renewed interest in my training again, asking about fees and said she would work towards it. That same day we had that chat another bbm contact asked if I was working in conjuction with Dami Ewa, I said no. She informed me that Ewa is using my product on her dp and face book page. I contacted Ewa immediately. She apologised and said she did not know it was my product, and that she must have copied it from me when making enquiry on training with me. She apologised and forgave her. A week after she sends a bc with a link to her blog and I saw my exact write up I used to advertise skincare training on some of my product. I confronted her again. She said it was her blog manager who was on my contact and didnt know, she know me, copied it from my page and used for her. She refused to to disclose his identity and said she has corrected the person. Days after I told her to remove my product and writeup from her blog, facebook page etc. She said she has fired her blog manager, that her brother will remove it when less busy. It was only this morning she contacted saphire, which I suppose after she has posted the News feed on face book, which from my discussion so far with sapphire she has not concluded with her to collaborate with her and asked her to settle any scores with me. It will also interest you to know that this morning that another contact of mine , who only yesterday was defending Ewa because initially she believed Dami that it was her blogger that copied my advert write up of training on some of my skincare product and Pictures,and used it on her blog,asking me to let move on. This morning confirmed from Damis blog, facebook page that she still saw my product and write up on her blog and not only mine She also stole the work of glittering faces and 2 other persons work she know. Because I found her out, Dami deleted herself off my bbm contact so as not to track her evil deed, forgeting this world is small and our biz is about network. I conclude by saying: Dami Ewa by wear house has been the one stealing peoples work( products, pictures and write up) portraying it to be her work. Also she is a quack in anything makeup, skincare or beauty therapy Also she wants to cover up her track to cover her evil deed by doing a last minute collaboration with sapphire. ( Reminds me of king david , who slept with Uriahs wife, pregnated her, tried to set up uriah to sleep with his wife to cover up pregnancy and eventually kill uriah when all his plan failed). Her plan to kill me or my biz cannot succeed. She plans to use the supposed collaboration to learn skincare, if it pulls through, since she cant afford the training fee and rather than come clean with good arrangement without giving the masses false impression about her professional status. And she does not have a hair factory as she has being telling people. . She didnt train in ghana on skincarem She is an unrepentant fraud, liar, cheat. Her actions are morally , spiritually wrong and unethical. Her action are all criminal and as a legal practitioner I will set in motion to take legal action against her.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Feb 2014 14:30:39 +0000

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