Public Charter of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil to the President of - TopicsExpress


Public Charter of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil to the President of the Republic Dilma Rousseff Submitted by: Admin on 10/07/2013. News source: APIB - RELATIONSHIP OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OF BRAZIL In a meeting with the president this afternoon, 10 indigenous leaders and organizations of APIB and distinct peoples of Brazil claim the government, the construction of a positive agenda with concrete commitments and targets to meet the demands of indigenous peoples. Then complete letter delivered to the president. Public Charter of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil to the President of the Republic Dilma Rousseff Madam Dilma Rousseff President of the Federative Republic of Brazil Brasília-DF Dear President: We indigenous leaders from different indigenous peoples and organizations from different regions of Brazil, gathered in this historic occasion with your excellence in the Government Palace, even in small numbers, but sufficiently informed and deeply knowledgeable, more than anyone, problems, sufferings , needs and aspirations of our peoples and communities come hereby express, after such a long wait, the following considerations and claims, which we hope will be met by your government as early overcoming of the social debt of the Brazilian state for us, after centuries of endless colonization, marked by policies and practices of violence, killing, dispossession, racism, prejudice and discrimination. We are here, a small but significant manifestation of ethnic and cultural diversity of the country, made up of 305 different indigenous peoples speaking 274 different languages with an approximate population of 900,000 inhabitants according to the IBGE. And on behalf of these people: - We reiterate our rejection of the charge that are impediments to the development of the country in total disregard of our contribution to the training of Brazilian National State, in preserving a natural heritage and enviable sociocultural, including the current borders of Brazil, of which our ancestors guardians were born. Contrary to those who accuse us of ameaçarmos unity and territorial integrity and sovereignty of our country. - We reject the whole series of instruments political and administrative, judicial, legal and legislative, that seek to destroy and wipe out our rights won through struggle and sacrifice 25 years ago, the chiefs and leaders who came before us, during the period of the constituent. - We are totally opposed to any attempts to modify the procedures for the demarcation of indigenous lands currently sponsored by his government sectors, especially the Civil and Attorney General (AGU), and pressure to meet the interests of historical enemies of our people, invading our territories, today expressively represented by agribusiness, the caucus, miners, loggers, contractors, among others. - We will not accept setbacks in securing our rights through legislative initiatives that may condemn our people to misery undesirable situations, ethnocide and unpredictable conflict is already used in all regions of the country, mainly in the southern states and in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul - Reject the way the government wants to facilitate the development model prioritized deploying at any cost, in our territories, works of infrastructure in transportation and power generation, such as highways, railways, waterways, ports, power plants power plants, transmission lines, disrespecting our worldview, our peculiar way of relating with Mother Nature, our original rights and fundamental, guaranteed by the Constitution, Convention 169 and the UN Declaration. Claims Faced with this manifesto, we express the following claims: 1. The impact of the government with its basis for the filing of Proposed Amendments to the Constitution (PEC) 038 and 215 seeking to transfer to the Senate and Congress respectively jurisdiction to demarcate indigenous lands, usurping the constitutional prerogative of the Executive Branch. 2. Claim the same procedure for the PEC 237/13 to legalize the lease of our land, the PL 1610/96 Miningon Indigenous Lands, The PL 227/12 amending the demarcation of indigenous lands, among many other initiatives seeking to reverse our constitutional rights. 3. The Government should strengthen and give all the necessary conditions for the National Indian Foundation (FUNAI) fulfills its role in Demarcation, protection and monitoring of all indigenous lands, whose liability is still immense in all regions of the country, even Amazon where supposedly the problem would have been solved. Do not assume that FUNAI is disqualified or that Embrapa, Ministry of Agriculture and other agencies, unaware of indigenous issues, will evaluate and supposedly contribute anthropological studies conducted by the agency only to meet political and economic interests, as did the last government military by instituting the infamous "grupão" the MIRAD to "discipline" the FUNAI and "assess" indigenous demands. 4. For the demarcation of indigenous lands we propose the creation of a Working Group, with participation of indigenous peoples and organizations under the Ministry of Justice and Funai to do a mapping, setting priorities and specific goals of demarcation. 5. Not accept the proposed creation of a Secretariat to convene the FUNAI with the Special Indigenous Health (SESA), damaging the distinct role of each organ. 6. We demand the repeal of all Ordinances and Decrees that threaten our native rights and the integrity of our territory, the life and culture of our people and communities: 6.1. Ordinance 303 of July 17, 2012, the initiative of the Executive, through the Attorney General (AGU) that extends mistakenly applied to all lands the applicability of the conditions laid down by the Supreme Court (STF) in the trial of the case Raposa Serra do Sol (Petition 3.388/RR), which has not yet become final. 6.2. Ordinance 2498, to October 31, 2011, which determines the subpoena of federal entities to participate in the procedures for identification and demarcation of indigenous lands, and Decree 1.775/96 already establishes the right of the adversary. 6.3. Interministerial Ordinance 419 of October 28, 2011, that restricts the period for agencies and public entities streamline the environmental licensing of infrastructure projects affecting indigenous lands. 6.4. Decree No. 7,957, of March 13, 2013. Creates the Permanent Bureau of Integrated Management for Environmental Protection regulates the activities of the Armed Forces in environmental protection and amending Decree No. 5,289, of November 29, 2004. With this decree, "preventive or repressive", the Company was established Environmental Operations of National Public Security Force, having as one of its duties "assist in ongoing surveys and technical reports about negative environmental impacts." In practice this means the creation of an instrument for state militarized repression of any and all indigenous peoples, communities, social organizations and movements that decide to stand against developments that impact their territories. 7. We also demand the Brazilian Government specific public policies, effective and quality worthy of our people since time immemorial exert strategic role in protecting Mother Nature, in containing deforestation, preservation of forests and biodiversity, and many other riches that house indigenous territories. - In health, effectiveness of the Special Indigenous Health and Special Indigenous Sanitary Districts, to overcome the different management problems, lack of professionals in specific competition for indigenous plan for jobs and wages, basic care in the villages between others. - In education, legislation that ensures specific and differentiated education is respected and implemented with sufficient resources to do so and is immediately applied the Law 11.645, which deals with compulsory teaching diversity in schools. - In the area of sustainability, installation PNGATI Steering Committee and other programs specific to our people, with its own budget. - For the standardization, coordination, supervision and implementation of other policies that affect us, the immediate establishment of the National Indigenous Policy (NCIP), whose bill (3571/08) has not hitherto been passed in the House of Representatives. 8. Government still claim the fulfillment of the agreements and commitments under the National Commission on Indigenous Policy (NCIP), related to the processing and approval of the Statute of Indigenous Peoples in Congress. 9. Whereas this meeting with Your Excellency happens in the context of many other protests across the country, we express our solidarity with other struggles and social causes and popular like us who crave a different country, plural and truly fair and democratic. Also by regulation and protection of the Maroons lands, territories, fishing and other traditional communities, and not by the urgency of the PL of the new regulatory framework for mining, to ensure the participation of civil society in the discussion of this subject so delicate and strategic for the Brazilian nation. 10. Reaffirmed by all this, our determination to strengthen our struggles continue vigilant and prepared to leave for political confrontation, even risking our lives, but also reiterate our willingness to open dialogue and frank, in defense of our territories and Mother Nature and the good of our current and future generations around a government plan for indigenous peoples, with concrete goals priorities if consensual us. 11. Call, finally, to our relatives, leaders, people and organizations, and allies of all parties, so that together we avoid the extinction of our people scheduled to happen. Brasilia-DF, July 10, 2013. APIB - RELATIONSHIP OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OF BRAZIL
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 22:52:04 +0000

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