Public Works review outlines progress on large number of Jenks - TopicsExpress


Public Works review outlines progress on large number of Jenks projects Published Aug. 15, 2014 Jenks Public Works Director Robert Carr addressed the council and outlined progress on a number of key infrastructure projects. The presentation included information on the current status and projected completion dates to help council members better address resident’s questions. At the conclusion of his presentation, council members agreed that the information was extremely informative and that they would like to have regular updates. Main to Highway 75 - The first project addressed by the director, was the Main Street work from Elm to U.S. 75. Carr said consultants involved with right-of-way acquisition have completed appraisals on 56 parcels, and offer letters will be sent out within the next couple of weeks. The next step will be negotiating with property owners. That process is expected to be completed by the end of October. Once the city obtains the right-of-way utility relocation will begin and that is projected to be completed by next spring, 111th and Elwood - The next project Carr discussed was the work on 111th Street from Elwood to U.S. 75. Right-of-way plans and final design plans are virtually See Jenks page 10 completed according to Carr. Engineers have submitted documentation to ODOT for review, and right-of-way acquisition will start sometime in September. The process will be similar to the Main Street project, with the acquisition being under the direction of an outside firm. Elwood from Main to 111th - Carr then spoke about linking the Elwood from Main to 111th projects together. “We’re not very far along on that one yet,” Carr said. An initial survey has been completed, but additional survey work is needed. An environmental impact statement will be done by ODOT, which will save the city the cost of doing it themselves. The city has paid for the project engineering costs. The city will have to spend some money for right-of-way acquisition according to Carr. That money will come from the bond issue, but Carr added there is not enough to complete the project. Instead the city expects to submit the additional costs on another project list to INCOG, the regional planning commission, in order to obtain additional ODOT funding. Elm Turnpike Interchange - Carr said the conceptual design is completed for the Elm Turnpike interchange approved by Turnpike Authority. Discussion indicates right-of-way acquisition may slow some the project and utilities realignment has yet to be determined. Carr noted that all issues regarding the railroad have been resolved. Dowtown Sidewalks - Carr spoke about the specifics of the sidewalk project from Main Street to Aquarium Place. The sidewalk will be in front of and around the Arts Incubator building. The design work is expected to be completed by the end of August. Carr said initially the plan was to do the project in small pieces but the city has now decided to go through the normal design process and let contractors bid on it. The project will be funded with CDBG funds. Construction is expected to be started in October. Veterans Park Bicycle Trail - There are two projects in the planning stage for Veterans Park. One is for a pedestrian/bicycle trail and the other is a new playground. The playground is to be located on the southwest corner of the park. The contract for the trail was awarded in June and the bridge material is ordered. Construction may start this week. The playground proposals will go out for bid shortly. City Attorney Steve Oakley working on the bid specifications. The playground will have a sidewalk that ties into the southwest corner of the trail so there will be some ADA accessibility to the playground. A new parking lot is also envisioned for the west side of the Wilmont Creek as a tie-in to the pond. Lift Station 1 and 1A - Lift Station improvements near Veterans Park (Lift Station 1 and 1A) are in the design phase and should be completed by the end of August. Once approved the project should be bid in October. In the bond issue there were two components for the wastewater treatment and collection system, one component being an update of the master plan of the treatment plant to look at future growth, and the other to review the collection system to get wastewater to the plant. A recent report indicates that Lift Station 1A has a capacity limitation in either the force main or the gravity system. Carr said he will put out a bid package to hire an engineering firm in October, so work on the collection system can begin in the spring and then look at the treatment plant to see what needs to be done. Odor Control for Lift Station at 106th and Elm - An engineering firm sampled the air at the Lift Station at 106th and Elm. The city put a plywood top over the lift station to help control the odors.The city plans to put a canister gas removal system next to the lift station. It will have activated carbon in it to reduce the gas concentration. New Trail on Elm from 111th to 121st Street - A trail project has been approved through the regional planning commission, INCOG, to extend the trail on Elm Street from 111th to 121st. ODOT will be in charge of the trail program. Carr said the cost estimates were made four years ago, and depending on the cost the Council may have to provide additional funds for the project. There is no timeline yet for this project. First Baptist Church Trail Project - City Manager Mike Tinker said the First Baptist Church is working on the second phase to extend the trail in front of their building. Tinker noted, “We’re going to have this stranded asset in front of their property for a while before that connection is made.” Board member Mike Sharp noted that the one mile “is a key deal for us. It connects Beckett Ridge and all the Wakefields at 121st.” Carr said the plan was to make a connection at Churchill and pick up the Churchill trail and that picks up all the trails to the west.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 09:08:57 +0000

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