Public backs midwives over industrial action, poll shows There - TopicsExpress


Public backs midwives over industrial action, poll shows There is strong public backing for industrial action by midwives in their pay dispute with NHS employers, according to a new poll conducted by ComRes.*. The poll, commissioned by the Royal College of Midwives, shows that three-fifths (63%) of the British public would support industrial action by midwives, provided that arrangements were made to ensure that any pregnant woman in need of immediate care during the period of the industrial action received care as usual. The results come as the RCM today (Monday, 8th September 2014) begins balloting its members in England on industrial action over the rejection of the independent NHS Pay Review Body (PRB) recommendation of a one per cent increase for all NHS staff. The RCM is recommending that its members vote Yes to industrial action. There is also overwhelming backing for a one per cent increase to NHS staff pay, with four in five (80%) polled saying they would support the pay rise. The public support for a pay increase has significant support across the political spectrum. The poll found that over four-fifths of those who intend to vote Conservative (83%) and Labour (82%) say they would supported the recommended pay award. Almost nine in every ten (89%) Liberal Democrat supporters were in favour, and there is very strong support among those who intend to vote UKIP, with four-fifths (81%) of that party’s supporters backing it. There is widespread support in every region of England for both a pay rise and for industrial action by midwives. The East Midlands (88%), Eastern England (84%), the South West (84%) and the South East and North East (both 83%) are the most supportive regions for a pay increase. On support for industrial action the North West (68%) leads the way, with a majority of the public in all regions supporting industrial action. Cathy Warwick, chief executive of the Royal College of Midwives, said: “Midwives deciding whether to vote for industrial action will be reassured that there is wide support for them across the country, with the public backing industrial action. “Midwives’ pay was frozen in 2011 and 2012. After a one per cent rise last year, midwives are facing another pay freeze this year. Midwives cannot take another year of rising household bills and frozen pay. A one per cent rise, as recommended by the independent Pay Review Body, is affordable. It is the very least midwives deserve for all they do. “This public backing fills me with hope for our campaign and our ballot and I am sure it will be welcomed by midwives. I do however want to reassure women and their families that they will continue to receive safe care during any industrial action. The woman, her baby and their safety are a midwife’s absolute priority and any action will not change that.” Full data tables are available on the ComRes website at (Live from 23.00 on Sunday, 7th September 2014). For the full results tables or further information please contact the RCM Press Office on 020 7312 3456, [email protected] Regional breakdown of results Q1/ The Pay Review Body, which independently advises on the pay of NHS staff, have recommended a 1% pay rise for NHS workers (e.g. paramedics, nurses and midwives). However, this recommendation has not been granted. With this in mind, to what extent would you support or oppose a 1% increase to NHS staff salaries? East Midlands (88%) of public support Eastern England (84%) of public support South West (84%) of public support North East (83%) of public support South East (83%) of public support West Midlands (81%) of public support North West (78%) of public support London (72%) of public support Yorkshire & Humber (71%) of public support Q2/ Imagine that midwives decided to take industrial action for a few hours as a sign of protest against the decision not to increase their salaries by 1%. To what extent would you support or oppose this action, provided that arrangements were made to ensure that any pregnant woman in need of immediate care (i.e. women giving birth) during the period of the industrial action received care as usual? North West (68%) of public support South East (64%) of public support South West (64%) of public support North East (63%) of public support East Midlands (62%) of public support Eastern England (60%) of public support West Midlands (59%) of public support London (59%) of public support Yorkshire & Humber (55%) of public support
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 08:29:11 +0000

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