Public event for October - interested in participating? An - TopicsExpress


Public event for October - interested in participating? An event is being planned for October that is meant to showcase debate and philosophy. October is National Arts and Humanities month, which is why events like this are being discussed at the moemnt. Here is the rough plan: have a kind of public event involving debate and/or philosophical exchanges which is to a significant degree informal and extemporaneous, catching the attention of passers-by, and getting such people to participate in certain ways. The space and time are already determined: October 15th, on the Plaza of the Americas. The exact time is not yet settled, but we’re thinking perhaps 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Here is what we are imagining: two speakers, provided with microphones/speakers (wireless, hopefully), and a moderator. A certain number of topics are set up ahead of time, where the speakers either debate one of them or just have some kind of philosophical discussion of one of them, where each speaks for, say, 10 minutes, after which, depending on how things look, we might open it up to the audience or have them continue to talk with each other. (The moderator could make these kinds of decisions, as well as help ensure that topics are followed or formulated appropriately. (The moderator might be a faculty member.) Topics would not be limited to a set of predetermined ones but we would have a hat and papers on which passers-by could submit topics/questions for use, and the moderator could pull one at random, though make sure to screen them in some appropriate way to make them useful. We’re not imagining the same speakers do the whole four hours, of course, but imagining shifts with various speakers. It’s been suggested that the speakers and/or others wear togas. I don’t much care for that idea, but, so long as I don’t have to do it, that’s up to the rest of y’all. There is not that much time between now and 10/15. The debate and speech team, which I take it is likely to be very hung ho, has regular meetings on Tuesday evenings at 7 pm in — coincidentally — Griffin-Floyd Hall, room 100. Dr. Roberts and I are hoping we can get people together in that space and time to meet and discuss this at more length. So, I’m asking you, if you are interested in playing some role in this (whether speaker, moderator, or organizer, or something else) — please come to the meeting on Tuesday, September 23rd 7:00 PM Griffin-Floyd Room 100 (the classroom downstairs) I don’t really know how likely it is that this will come together or be successful. But it might end up being a great event that helps students become more interested in philosophical issues. It could include information on PhilSoc as well, to advertise that group.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 19:24:45 +0000

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