Public opinion Who has an estimated 2.18 Billion followers - TopicsExpress


Public opinion Who has an estimated 2.18 Billion followers world wide and hundreds of million who have and are dying because of their faith in Him? How did He change the world and create the most prosperous culture ever to exist in spite of His followers poor record of adhering fully to His teachings and example? Where did He get His training and education? Who promoted Him and authorized His ministry? Where did his authority come from and was it recognized by the powers of His day? What about His disciples and their followers who continued His work? Who did their polling? What focus groups did they rely on to help them build their platform? What compromises did He make to build a coalition? How was He received by the grass roots? What promises did He make and did He keep them? My point is LEADERS, LEAD THEY DONT FOLLOW PUBLIC OPINION THEY SHAPE IT WITH THE MOST POWERFUL WEAPON ON EARTH FOR FREEDOM! THE TRUTH So lets stop sticking our finger in the wind and Lead the people back to the principles and values they gave us freedom in the first place! Stop waiting for the to wake up and Beat down their door and tell get your ass out of bed the house is on fire!@ We are using music in parades to remind others of the principles that made us free. https://youtube/watch?v=ejtQhVYlkeg We can also do this on the internet as I have done over the last 6 months and here is what an hour or so a night has done from my Sound cloud account. https://soundcloud/user262008952 Plays last 24 hours Plays last 7 days 77 742 11,837 plays in total This is just the songs I recorded and uploaded for FREE DOWNLOAD in the last 6 months not to mention the 150,000 est. people who have heard and seen our guys, girls and kids in the Parades this Year. Now let me ask if we had 100 people doing the same thing with my songs, Jordan Pages, and other patriots and songs with freedom messages. Not that I am saying to give other peoples music away for free if they arent. But you can promote it! What if we had 100 Keyboard warriors doing what I have been doing? WE can do this in Public events! What if we had floats and other people performing or playing this music in every public event? What if the politicians couldnt go any where with out us there reminding them of their Oath and Asking or confronting them if they betray it? What if the people were reminded every day of the consequences to their children and Grand Children s future if we dont stop this insanity? ITS CALLED PEER PRESSURE AND IT HAS BEEN PROVEN OVER AND OVER AGAIN! SO lets BE LIKE JESUS AND OFFEND SOME PEOPLE IF NEED BE TO WAKE THEM UP AND ENCOURAGE THOSE TRYING TO MAKE A DIFFERNCE IN THE PROCESS THAT THEIR NOT ALONE! I dont mean be rude to be rude but lets stop the P.C. B.S. IT ISNT WORKING! I have seen from these parades that there are far more of us out there than anyone realizes because we are all to polite and dont want to make a scene! So we feel lost in the sea of apathy and tend to get discouraged more than we should be. We are much more powerful than we think and the Federal Mob is right to fear us! If we lead enough will follow to make a difference. LET US SPEAK THE TRUTH IN LOVE AND LET GOD BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE OUT COME, WE MIGHT BE SURPRISED!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 02:22:39 +0000

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