Public service announcement. A few simple rules on how to - TopicsExpress


Public service announcement. A few simple rules on how to behave in a pub with regards to rounds On entering a pub to meet friends try to join a round as soon as possible. It is as simple as saying: Im off to the bar, who needs a drink? If two or three people say yeah, then thats your round. If someone offers to buy you a drink and you accept you are now in a round with them and also anyone else who was in the round with them when you accepted the drink, this is crucial to remember. Dont bite off more than you can chew. Remember the ordering of the round, if person A buys first, followed by person B and then you, that is the order in which rounds must be bought for the rest of the night. Keep track of this, someone might offer to buy the next round on your turn because they have finished their drink but you still have some left. Dont let them, insist on buying your round, they are only asking politely for you to get a move on, they are not genuinely keen on buying a round out of turn. If you feel like you cant go another full cycle it is acceptable to exit the round on an even turn (i.e. when you have bought as much as you have drank) by declining a further round with the words: No its ok, thanks, Im only going to have one more so Ill get it myself. Likely the person will insist on buying you the drink anyway, and its ok to accept if you have made a genuine effort to buy your own drink. Tell them Ah thanks, Ill get you back the next night. Dont get into more than one round at the same time. Refuse the offer of a drink from anyone who is not in your round. Tell the person you are in a round and theyll understand. Do not get yourself a reputation for being a scab or being scabby. Avoid this by being generous and always making a genuine effort to buy as much drink as you consume. Try to make your drink of similar monetary value to those of your companions in the round. If they are drinking pints dont ask for a double 18 year old single malt whiskey. Keep the round order intact for as long as anyone is present and can still speak. Be timely with your round, dont leave a companion with an empty glass when its your turn to get the round. Try to match your drinking pace with them. If you are too slow then switch to half pints or be prepared to have full pints queued up in front of you. If you are drinking halves and they are drinking pints thats your choice and is tough on you, youll end up paying for more drink than you consume. If you point out that they are saving money on buying you halves you will be deemed a scab. Always, always, always make a genuine effort to settle your account buy buying as much drink for others as is bought for you. Simple guidelines can achieve world peace.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Feb 2014 01:28:04 +0000

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