Published Brigades of the Martyr Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, - TopicsExpress


Published Brigades of the Martyr Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas blew up on Monday in the twenty-second day of the war on Gaza, some of the stories of fighters who participated direct docking operations with soldiers so-called elite of the Zionist army. Narrated a number of Mujahideen and the elite units in the Brigades of the Martyr Izz al-Din al-Qassam testimony about what Ainoh and live through the duration of the fighting on the front lines in front of the enemys army greatly emboldened by means of technology and the mountains rail animated Mercavah. And cross-Qassam fighters who have left behind them dozens of brothers stationed on the frontlines advanced, expressed pride over their pride and led Qassam backed by a level of intelligence and operational, and prepared them for such a battle trained and equipped and attribution. Says field commander a. A., who leads a group of elite unit: We saw the ayatollahs and Kramath of the mujahideen, Combatants prove amid shelling and destruction, and do not care about the policy of scorched earth pursued by cowards Zionists, even if four of the Mujahideen stayed for ten days fasting, no food, no syrup, Mtemtrsen in Khandgahm, even closed a Zionist tank slot trench Aldshma above them for days, and then returned after the withdrawal of the tank unharmed Ganmen! . He adds: I have asked one of the Mujahideen who looked upon exhaustion to withdraw to the lines of confrontation background, refused flatly, and said: I will not return until after Azfar to kill the enemy and hear the screams of his soldiers, or bringing you a martyr, what was me - says the commander - However, I answer to his request. Beit Hanoun The Mujahid El. St. Verwey what he saw in battle docking direct east of Beit Hanoun, he says: I could not imagine that the Zionist soldier a coward to this point, I swear that if we go out to him in terms of not knowing, but Weaver fugitive flagrant, Vnasibh in the back , Vtaatdkhal heavy artillery to cover his escape, I have heard with my own ears the screams of the soldiers and Aoelhm when they heard an explosion next to them even though they are sheltering mechanism armored all types of immunization. He goes Mujahid: The spells brothers fighters head-butting the sky, they are in high spirits wonderful and unprecedented, and they are all racing to the clash and confrontation with the Zionist soldiers, have received on one occasion killing of two soldiers from a distance of 10 meters and returned to the trench and remained in it for days. And adds: In one of the battles fought by our brothers in the other group and we were close to them, one of my brothers the Mujahideen detonated anti-personnel mines in a group of at least 10 soldiers were walking stealthily conjoined wall of a house, Vtmzkoa shreds, and remained their bodies in the street for hours and did not interfere with any Zionist force to their rescue, but after that I wiped box housing guns and planes! . concludes Mujahid saying: No desire for the Zionist troops to fight, and they tremble and are afraid of any paper plane or bag is empty, and even if someone was walking under the wall of one of the houses were opened window rail of this house, Vastelqy on Earth Menbtaha by the sound of the window, and took the shoot like crazy even woke up that it was merely a window opened up because of the air! . Process apples either Mujahid Q. A unit commander elite - took part in the destruction of the tankers east apples - Verwey story is fantastic, he says: I went out with a number of my brothers the Mujahideen behind the lines of the Zionist forces, and Bagtina one of the carriers, Vojhzna on from where, and were surprised that the enemy soldiers in the tanker second - which was a distance of no more than 20 meters - they see stealth and hear what is happening to their colleagues in the tanker first, and the door of the tanker open, but they do not dare to come to the aid of their colleagues and are waiting trembling what would the battle with those tanker! . He adds Mujahid: sooner to the tanker the other, and when we approach the zero distance, came the commander of Zionist power in his hand a piece of the weapon, and placed it in my chest, but he was trembling in front of Tkberatna, and was horror-controlled and shudder oddly, even he could not pull the trigger of the severity of horror, Fajlst myself from his rifle and killed him on the spot. In another incident, says Mujahid and. H, who took part in an ambush that killed eight Israeli soldiers east district of apples are also a few days ago, he says, struggling - of an elite unit - we went out to them from a distance of 700 m and progress towards them they are in a state of anticipation, Fbaghtnahm Prussna and our bombs from a distance zero, one of them jumped on the run without thinking, shouting: Lord, Lord, Mom, Mom! The Ojhzna eight soldiers have them a promise, and we came back immediately as instructed by the wheelhouse. This party of novels Mujahideen al-Qassam about heroism, a tip of the iceberg, and still dozens and even hundreds of Mujahideen who hold in their memories many stories about battles docking, which took place more than seven axes on the borders of the Gaza Strip. noteworthy that the Brigades of the Martyr Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades have counted so far 91 Zionist soldiers killed in the battles of the Mujahideen of al-Qassam docking direct only, since the start of the ground offensive on the Gaza Strip, Zionist, in addition to dozens wounded, while only enemy even now recognize half that number, in addition to the Qassam confirms that what Ahsah of dead does not include those who died in the targeting mechanisms in rocket projectiles.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 08:59:30 +0000

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