Published on 29 Dec 2014✦ THE PRAISE OF THE SCHOLARS FOR SALAFI - TopicsExpress


Published on 29 Dec 2014✦ THE PRAISE OF THE SCHOLARS FOR SALAFI PUBLICATIONS (SPubs) ● Shaykh Muqbil ibn Haadee al Waadiee: Our brothers for the sake of Allaah, As-salafiyyoon, the brothers at Al-Maktabatus-Salafiyyah and Islamic Centre (Salafi Publications) in the city of Birmingham in Great Britain, then they are mentioned with goodness and love for the Sunnah and calling to it, and for waging war against bidah and hizbiyyah... So they, may Allaah preserve them, face and combat the call of Christianity, and the call of Athiesm, and the call to uncovering and unveiling of the women, and the call to innovations and partisanship (hizbiyyah). They preserve their brothers for the sake of Allaah from slipping into tribulations and innovations and other than that from the types of misguidance. So may Allaah grant success to all in that which He loves and is pleased with. ● Shaykh Hassan Ibn Abdul-Wahhaab al-Bannah: All praise be to Allaah, maashaaAllaah, they have organisation (in dawah), they have a maktabah salafiyyah, they have a school, a kindergarten or primary school, all these things are tremendous and all praise be to Allaah they have big numbers with them. They also have with them many mashaayikh from amongst them Shaykh Abu Khadeejah, they have knowledge, with them is knowledge, and other than him like Shaykh Abu Hakeem Bilal. All of these maashaaAllaah and many other people beside them - they are many people I met so I cannot recall their names - but those that are with them I find that they are upon khayr (goodness). Since they have many students of knowledge with them from their likes, so it is laazim (incumbent) that they traverse upon their way, because they have indibaat (firm discipline, groundedness), and all praise is due to Allaah, and they have cooperation and love for the sake of Allaah. They are from the best we have seen here from the different centres and (...) them upon steadfastness(..). youtube/watch?v=kE5Ky6sOGxg ● Shaykh Ubayd al-Jaabiree: I know the Maktabah Salafiyyah, in Birmingham, Britain for many years. And they, and all priase is due to Allaah, are upon the Manhaj and upon goodness, and we do not know from them except goodness. ● Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadee: Indeed I am acquainted with my brothers from al-Maktabah as-Salafiyyah [Salafi Publications], in Birmingham in the state of Britain, with an acquaintance of long standing, and they are - until now, at the time of writing these lines - upon the best of condition in terms of active zeal in calling people to the correct Islamic religion, and calling the people to the Salafee aqeedah. ● Shaykh Muhammad al-Anjaree: Indeed Salafi Publications is a blessed Maktabah, and I have taught there on numerous occasions over several years. I do not know them except to be upon the correct way and the correct methodology and the Sunnah up until this day. And I have not seen from them any extremism or any harshness. And these terms are always used against Ahlus Sunnah who warn against Bidah and the people of deviated methodologies. ● Shaykh Ahmad as-Subayee: And from those true knowledgeable brothers are our brothers at Maktaba Salafiyyah in Birmingham like [honorific title removed] Abdul Waahid better known as Abu Khadeejah (Hafidahhullaahu taala) and the brothers there. ● Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee al-Madkhalee and Shaykh Abdullaah al-Bukharees written endorsement of Salafi Publications (see electronic copy in the video): ● Shaykh Rabee ibn Hadee al-Madkalee Question: O Shaykh, as you are aware, there are no scholars in Britain, but is there anyone residing there that you advise us with, who can connect us to the people of knowledge? Shaykh Rabee ibn Hadee al-Madkalee metioned: Our brother Hasan as-Somali (who was present in the gathering), Abu Khadeejah and his companion (Abu Hakeem). Recently, Shaykh Rabee tested brothers from Daar us Sunnah with Salafi Publications. Quotes taken from and
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 13:51:52 +0000

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