Published on Sep 12, 2013 The award-winning documentary film - TopicsExpress


Published on Sep 12, 2013 The award-winning documentary film about Syria, Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution, directed by Matthew VanDyke. Update: There is now a fundraiser to help pay for the costs of making the film (Matthew VanDyke spent approximately $30,000 to make the film, including borrowing money which put him into debt. The fundraiser is to help pay the expenses of making the film). You can support VanDykes work and the film here: Keep reading to learn how YOU can help Syria NOW: This film has been seen by MILLIONS of people on television and over 100,000 people on the internet (the film is also viewed at The Guardian and Journeyman Pictures). It has won more than a dozen awards and is an official selection in more than 75 film festivals around the world - syrianrevolutionfilm Director Matthew VanDyke has released the film online for free and without any ads on it weeks ahead of schedule because NOW is the critical time for YOU to take action in support of Syria. This is YOUR film. NOW is the time to mobilize and tell your countrys leaders that you want intervention in Syria to stop the bloodshed and bring freedom to 20 million people. If you support freedom in Syria then do your part each day this week: 1. This page will soon be attacked by supporters of the Assad regime who will post negative and defamatory comments so that when people around the world read those comments they will believe there is little support for the Syrian revolution. If you support the cause of freedom in Syria please leave YOUR comments below the video and be heard. People around the world will be reading them! 2. Each day, mobilize on social media to make this film go viral. Tweet, post, share it everywhere you can think of. Use Reddit, LinkedIn, blogs, email lists, everything possible to use this film to help move public opinion in favor of supporting the Syrian revolution. This is a critical time for the revolution - world leaders are listening to the public. We must change public opinion and this film is a powerful way to do that. 3. Each day, tweet and email the link for this film to members of Congress, the White House, and leaders of countries around the world. They should see this film and hear the words of Nour and Mowya before making their decisions on Syria. A DVD of Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution has been sent to each of the 535 members of the United States Congress, but they are far more likely to watch the film if you tweet the link to them and encourage them to watch the film online, or to watch the disc on their desk! Subscribe to this channel for more videos from Syria coming soon, and possibly another film in the future. This is YOUR film and YOUR channel. Be a part of the movement for a Free Syria. Get updates about the film and Matthew VanDykes continuing work in Syria by following him on his website: matthewvandyke Twitter: https://twitter/Matt_VanDyke Facebook: https://facebook/pages/Matthe... Google+: Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution is a 15 minute documentary film about the war in Syria, directed by American Matthew VanDyke (a former prisoner of war and combat veteran of the Libyan Revolution in 2011 - matthewvandyke), and produced by Matthew VanDyke and Nour Kelze (a Syrian journalist who is also the star of the film). The film tells the story of the Syrian struggle for freedom as experienced by a 32 year old rebel commander, Mowya, and a 24 year old female journalist, Nour Kelze, in Aleppo, Syria. The film clearly and concisely shows why the Syrian people are fighting for their freedom, told through the emotional words of two powerful characters whose lives have been turned upside down and torn apart by war. This documentary film was a very personal project for director Matthew VanDyke. Having fought in the Libyan Revolution in 2011, he identified with Syrian Revolution and was compelled to make a film that would show the world who the Syrian rebels are and what they are fighting for. In this spirit, he hopes to eventually release the film in 20 languages so that people around the world can truly understand the fight for freedom in Syria. Filming in Syria was dangerous and difficult. VanDyke and Kelze faced aerial bombardment, artillery, mortars, snipers, and the persistent threat of kidnapping. In addition, VanDyke was branded a terrorist by the Assad regime on the Syrian State TV channels. This will take a continuous effort. Please step up and join the team. Each of you must do your part each day to spread this film and its message if it is going to have the impact it was created to have. If you care about Syria, about humanity, about the right of men and women to choose their own leaders and destiny, about liberty and justice for ALL, then this is YOUR film. Use it to make your impact on this revolution! Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 19:29:06 +0000

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