Pueblo City Recall Voters—Watch out! A banana republic style - TopicsExpress


Pueblo City Recall Voters—Watch out! A banana republic style election is being planned. There is NO WAY that this election can be fair and verifiable. The Pueblo City/County contract that outlines the conduct of the election is hopelessly flawed and written to allow Bo’s unilateral control of the inputs and outputs. For example: —The election is planned as an all mail ballot election, with ballots being mailed January 14, despite the fact that the law DOES NOT PERMIT MAIL BALLOT RECALL ELECTIONS. —The January election must be a polling place election, not a mail ballot election. —The Pueblo City Code does NOT permit a recall election to be run as a mail ballot election. — Additionally, the Constitution allows potential candidates until 15 days before election day to file nomination papers. That does not allow time for a mail ballot election, printing, mailing and returning. —Of course mail ballots are not to be mailed to inactive voters--as the City decided to do! Or to anyone for that matter. —City and Ortiz entered a contract calling for the election to be run under “Title 1” —which is a meaningless term. CRS Title 1 contains two very different election codes, neither of which is permitted to be used in Pueblo under the City Charter and Code. Apparently the contract intends for Bo to mix and match whatever provisions of the codes he likes—despite the violation of the city law. —Note that the contract PROHIBITS the public inspection of voting equipment. Never mind that the Uniform Election Code requires that the testing be done in public. What does that suggest about how transparent this election will be? Anyone who cares about fair elections in Pueblo needs to raise heck NOW, with the city, the county and both clerks. Those who have skin in the game should be filing lawsuits immediately to stop this egregious abuse of the election process. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for the recall to succeed. Victor Head, Becky Mizel Anita Stapleton Jen Raiffie Michael Stapleton Randy Linnen Brian Mater
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 04:18:37 +0000

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