Pull-up series. It is a misconception that body weight training - TopicsExpress


Pull-up series. It is a misconception that body weight training is easier that conventional weight training, sure there is the meat head factor when your benching your body weight and the rest but it is very common for people not to be able to lift their own weight, this is not because they are weak its because lifting 75, 85 or 90kg is hard. With that in mind, I want to give you some options which will help you defeat the pull-up. Negatives, I dont want to go too deep so in a nutshell negatives train and strengthen the eccentric phase of the movement which leads to some transference of strength to the concentric phase. Lat pull down, if you go to a gym then using a lat pull down machine is a great way of weaning yourself on to pullups. 1 max rep, the ultimate in building strength is the one max rep. This is to do one rep of the maximum amount of resistance that you can do. For someone who cannot perform a pull-up attempting one every session when your fresh will slowly increase your strength as the muscle adapts to the resistance. Adding weight, if you are at a stage of getting half or 3 quarters of a way up then add some weight. Attempt the pull-up for a few sessions with the weight, the muscle will adapt, then lose the weight and see the difference. The next chapter in the series will be crazy variations. Train hard, climb hard!
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 16:21:42 +0000

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