Pulled into Firestone just as my tire peeled away from the - TopicsExpress


Pulled into Firestone just as my tire peeled away from the sidewall...talk about divine providence! Whats not divine is that I bought this car six months ago and the tech here estimated the tire was almost four years old and may quite likely have had dry rot. Thanks, Scott Clark. Note to self: demand new tires when buying a car...they sure looked shiny and new :/ Just take a moment and imagine how wonderful the world would be of people genuinely tried to do the right thing instead of what will make them more money...just imagine. If mechanics actually did what they said they were doing under the good and charged a fair rate for doing the best job they could. Imagine if car dealerships were genuinely concerned with selling families safe, reliable cars, not shoddy warrantees and cars that will be in the shop within months. If car manufacturers made safe, long-lasting vehicles. If single mothers didnt have to pray for an honest tech on shift that day to make her car safe and charge an appropriate amount- if techs like that worked every shift on every day. Im so sick of getting shafted by major corporations that dont give one crap about me or my family so their CEO can make yet another million from families like mine. Capitalist dream, huh? #brokeagain
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 18:29:42 +0000

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