Puma Punku at Tiwanaku, Ancient Ruins in Bolivia Posted on April - TopicsExpress


Puma Punku at Tiwanaku, Ancient Ruins in Bolivia Posted on April 13, 2011 by Claudio Zorrospín [puma-punku-gate-of-cougar] Puma Punku, or the “Puma Gate”, is part of a massive, ancient complex by the shores of Lake Titicaca, in Bolivia, called Tiwanaku (or Tiahuanaco). When asked if the Incas were the builders of this sacred site, the locals laugh, and assure us that Puma Punku and Tiwanaku are much, much older. [puma-punku-ruins] Astronomical calculations, geologic strata, and the legends themselves date this culture to around 15,000 BC, shattering the orthodox views held by both science and religion. Could Puma Punku and those who built it be re-writing history–not in ink or binary code–but in massive blocks of ageless stone? Puma Punku was once a harbor for the people who lived in Tiwanaku. Thousands of years ago, the land-locked salt-water sea we call Lake Titicaca had more volume and a higher shore-line than we see today. Its waters stretched all the way to Puma Punku, a rectangular harbor made from giant megaliths. Most of these stones weigh around 100 tons, but some have even been estimated to weigh 400 tons, or more. [puma-punku-tiwanaku-wall] [diagram-puma-punku-stonework] [diagram-tiwanaku-stonework] It’s not only the size of these stones that is impressive, but the technology used to couple them together is quite astounding. I-shaped metal clamps were used to join the larger stones. Building techniques tend to follow advancements in technology, but here at Puma Punku, we find masonry methods that weren’t used by subsequent cultures. This technique, in particular, can only be found half-way across the world, in Egypt, at sites that also stoically mock their “accepted” dates of construction. [i-metal-clamps] Another interesting thing about Puma Punku is the cross-motif that appears in several places along the structure. Along the harbor walls are many outlined crossed that are carved deep into the stone. They are clean and neat, each side being of equal-length, displaying balance, harmony, and considerable skill for such a “primitive” people. Historians date the whole complex to around 500 AD, ignoring evidence of a much older civilization, but even so, how can they explain Christian symbols appearing in the New World a thousand-years before the Spanish conquest of South America? [tiwanaku-stones-crosses] The legends claim that Tiwanaku and Puma Punku were built by a pre-diluvian culture they call the “Viracochas.” This culture brought technology and civilization to their lands as early as 15,000 BC. Seismic events, changing sea levels, and climate change eventually forced the Viracochas to leave Tiwanaku, but the megalithic structures still stand, leaving a mysterious legacy for the modern world. By studying a phenomenon known as the precession of the equinoxes, we can determine where the sunrise, and solar events, such as the solstices, occurred in given eras of time. The Gateway of the Sun at Tiwanaku is precisely aligned to the solar events around 15,000 BC, corroborating the legends. Also, Tiwanaku seems to have faced a sudden, catastrophic end. In the layers of rock that date to the same time, now-extinct species of plants and animals can be found mixed in with human skeletal remains. Everything seems to be jumbled together, as if a tidal wave or some other event caused major changes on the Earth’s surface, including the life that inhabited it. This gives credence to the theory that a global flood, found throughout mythology, did actually occur. We can study the legends, dig into the Earth, watch the night sky, or simply listen to the stones themselves. All roads lead to one conclusion: Puma Punku is infinitely older than we’ve been told. If such an advanced civilization built this ancient complex, where did they come from, why did they build it, and where did they go? otherworldmystery/puma-punku-at-tiwanaku-ancient-ruins
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 01:07:34 +0000

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