Pumpkins Progress Report- September 24th 2014. The farmers are - TopicsExpress


Pumpkins Progress Report- September 24th 2014. The farmers are harvesting the pumpkins on Laddus Drove, Friday Bridge, near Wisbech. Lots and lots of pumpkins for the market stalls and supermarkets. The shops will be stocking up on field pumpkins for Halloween. Imagine all the Jack-o-lanterns that will be carved, their toothy grins glowing chimney red, underneath the moon and stars on Halloween night. The preparations for the Halloween celebrations will soon be well underway, as we edge towards October and the golden glory of the autumnal season. There was once a bridge in Friday Bridge, but it now lies as an archway beneath the road and garden near the clock tower. Friday Bridge is joined onto the village of Elm, just outside Wisbech, on the borderline of Cambridgeshire and Admiral Nelsons county of Norfolk. Not far from the clock tower and water tower (its two outstanding landmarks, along with the lopsided church of St Marks) lie the droves and the fens of Laddus Drove, Maltmus Drove, Needham, Crowmere, and Waldersea fens. The names of the droves speak of earlier times when the shepherds and herdsmen drove their sheep, cattle, goats and geese along the track-ways to graze on the open fen. The leaning church in Friday Bridge is the church of St Marks. The church has a lopsided look, and it has been this way since it was built in 1860. The church foundations were laid on peat. As the peat dried out, the foundations of the church began to drop, and the church began to lean to one side, until it found its natural settlement and position. At Christmas time, the trees around the church are lit up real pretty, with fairy lights and festive decorations. There is a childrens home next to the church and that too is lit up real pretty, with flickering lights and decorations of many fantastic colours. Friday Bridge is a lovely, picturesque place, and there is a family run fish and chip shop, just across the road from the Church, which fries some delicious fish and chips. My sister and four nephews live in Friday Bridge, right opposite the clock tower, that stands like Old Father Time, between their old farmhouse home and the Chequers pub, across the road. There is a beautiful duck pond on the edge of the village, just before you get to the village of Elm, on the old Elm Road, with weeping willow trees, beautiful big houses and lots of ducks. Quack, quack! Well, I have been reliably informed that the farmers are trundling along in their tractors and trucks, with wagons laden with golden pumpkins for Halloween. The shops, supermarkets and market stalls will be filled with golden field pumpkins for the trick-a-treat Halloween festivities. I love Halloween. I will be harvesting my pumpkins real soon. Tune in again tomorrow for another Pumpkins Progress Report (from the roving, droving pumpkin grower extraordinaire). Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 05:33:06 +0000

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