Punishment: One of the reasons that we celebrate the first - TopicsExpress


Punishment: One of the reasons that we celebrate the first President of the United States is because of the victories that he won that led to the freedoms that we enjoy today. We celebrate his bravery, his leadership, his certainty of the hand of God in the creation of the nation and the blessings that we the people would receive at His hand if we chose to live as His people, in His ways. But as a person, a man rubbing shoulders with other men, is where George Washington shone. His humble spirit and his desire to serve was clear in his reluctance to have leadership thrust upon him. This was not a large ego waiting to get his due, his rightful fate, his nemesis. This was a man whose greatest desire was to serve well and then fade from the scene, to retire at a time when many wanted him to become the First King of the United States. At that point in time many thought that making him the king would bring harmony to the breakaway colonies and give the added touch of credibility that the new nation needed on the worlds stage. Washington saw his role quite differently and it is in his different view of leadership and governance that we have a bedrock notion of service and the servant that has been missed in our modern era. Serving the needs of the people and securing the safety of the people is the first order of business of the government. But here is where that understanding, one shared by George Washington, is up against a different notion, one that is seen daily in our government today. Today government is used as punishment against the people and their success that was to be part of the system of needs that the government serve. How so, you ask? The notion that it is the role of government to redistribute wealth from those that have to those that have not is the marxist dogma being lived out on America today. Taking from those whose success comes from the energy and effort that they put into whatever enterprise that they have been led into and using whatever intelligence and impetus and creativity or genius that God unleashes in them to reach that success, seems to be a misuse of the power that we gift government with. But the redistribution of wealth is the rule of thumb for the marxists trained in our colleges and universities, taught that government will tame the evil of capitalism and free enterprise and bring the greed motivation under the crushing thumb of government. The role of government as seen by these new arbiters of all things good, is to right wrongs and level fields of play. The notion that balance and equity will seek its own levels in a nation that serves God and fellow man from the clear direction of God is not part of their formula. It is God who blesses, not government. And so the devolution of that thinking leads to the notion that rules and regulations are needed to keep people in line and ultimately to punish them. Wonder why sweet reasonableness and wisdom seem to be lacking in the moves of government and the servants of we the people? Let me postulate the base problem, the fool has said in his heart, there is no God. But we have been directed to understand that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. I want wisdom to rule in our land, the fear or honoring of God is the very base of that wisdom. When we realize anew that this nation is under God - and let us be very specific here - that God is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, no other God, then we are on the right path again. Lets get rid of the fools who are acting as if there is no God that will be answered to and return to the notion that government is merely a reflection of the servant spirit that a right heart renders to a holy and loving God. Our nation will be strong if we clean up its roots and allow the wisdom of the Founding Fathers to be reflected in the policies and rules and regulations of the servants of the people. They looked to the God of nature and natures God for their sustenance and direction and acknowledged Him as Supreme. Success begins there. - Dr. Jim Garrow -
Posted on: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 13:30:14 +0000

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