Purple Angeline™ Our buying trip yielded yet another new - TopicsExpress


Purple Angeline™ Our buying trip yielded yet another new stone of the Purple Ray. This one we call Purple Angeline, because of its deep color and its affinity for angelic beings. It contains Our supplier told us that these were very old stock which had been mined well over twenty years ago, and that he could not replace them. We were so pleased with their energies that we bought all he was willing to let us have! It contains Amethyst, Cacoxenite, Smoky Quartz––three of the main components of the fabled Super Seven Crystals. However, Purple Angeline is uniquely different, as Robert Simmons describes: “When I held a piece of Purple Angeline, I was immediately impressed by the quality of its currents. It stimulates both the third eye and crown chakras, in a rhythm that I had never felt before. For me, there was a double-pulsing sensation, in which energy from above the head was ‘gathered’ and pulled, first into the crown chakra and then to the third eye. And by the time the pulse reached the third eye, another one was gathering above the crown. My felt sense was that this stone is providing a kind of energetic ‘funnel’ via which spiritual energies can be channeled in from higher realms. “The most fascinating part of my experience was when I inwardly saw the being who was participating in the pouring of what she called ‘liquid blessing’ into my crown chakra. She was very feminine and very beautiful, covered in a cloak of the same deep purple as these unique stones. And her cloak was bordered in gold, the same shade as the filaments of Cacoxenite that appear within them. She said that she was the angel of this stone and that her name (and the stone’s name) is Purple Angeline. She seemed quite young, and full of merriment, yet completely serious about her purpose. She said: ‘I am here to stir people up sand help them free themselves. They have forgotten the part of themselves that exists in the spiritual world, and this is the part that knows their purpose. I am here to bring memory and awakening to your purpose.’” “She also told me that Purple Angeline is an awakener of destiny, and the individuals who sense themselves to be out of synch with their reason for being on Earth can use this stone to move toward the path of their highest destiny. ‘This will happen, even if they do not consciously know what they are doing,’ she said. ‘I will guide them, and I will repel distractions, until the person recognizes her true path and takes charge of her destiny.’ “I was quite amazed, to say the least, to have gone into meditation with this new stone and to have inwardly met it as a being! This has happened to me before, but rarely so vividly. My sense from the experience is that Purple Angeline is recently activated, perhaps only with the last few months, and that its intelligence is quite eager to get on with its work among humans. The stone itself has a very lively energy, and if one simply wears or carries it, there will be a freshness in one’s demeanor, and a bounce in one’s step. When one meditates with it, one is likely to experience the pouring in of ‘liquid blessings’ through the crown. This is significant, and has to do, I feel, with the activation of one’s awareness of one’s true purpose and destiny. It is not so much that we will see our destiny as a concept that could be summed up in a sentence, but that we will see the steps on our right path, just before it is time to take them. And we will know they are the right steps. “Purple Angeline is also a healing crystal. It can be utilized for spiritual healing in issues having to do with patterns of dysfunction rooted in childhood or past lives. Also, if there are problems with invading entities or holes in the auric field allowing for energy drains, Purple Angeline can be very helpful. “As it clears dysfunctions and seals the aura, Purple Angeline also sets free our power. It stimulates the latent creative energies of the second and third chakras, and can catalyze both inspiration and manifestation. For artist or writers who are ‘stuck,’ or for anyone who is not living one’s full potential, Purple Angeline is an ideal stone companion.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 16:46:23 +0000

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