Purpose in the Journey; Not just the Destination. Romans 8:28 - TopicsExpress


Purpose in the Journey; Not just the Destination. Romans 8:28 (NLT) 28 And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28 (MSG) 28 Thats why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good. Some people are deep. They have been given access into the of the deep treasures of God. Some people seem deep. They know a few things, but think they know more. I am neither. I dont even pretend to understand all of the purpose and counsel of God. I seem to be a slow learner spiritually. I love God with all that I am, but it seems to take Him years to get understanding of His will and purpose through my thick little skull. I just do what I do. Loving God and serving Him is the only thing I seem to do consistenly and well. In everything else I seem to flounder. But I have learned this one thing for sure, that my assignment in life is to pray, pattern and ehort that God births purpose out of pain. My own life is the vehicle God uses to transport me to His Truths. I read and study Gods Word, but it seems to become rhema to me when He uses the circumstances of my life to teach the principles of His Kingdom. Because of this, the lessons I have learned have been painful and costly many times. When I am broken and bruised - I learn the lessons of the valley (the wounds to the soul that are caused by sin, the flaws of human character, the faithfulness of God in our weakness). When I learn them I then teach them to anyone who is willing to listen. When I am healed and delivered - I learn the lessons of Gods character (power, steadfastness, compassion). In return, I teach others about the love and kindness of God. I am pleased to report that there seems to be a pattern. Each experience produces fruit that remains. In every lesson I discover that Gods Word is faithful, All things work together for good of them who love God and are the called according to His purpose. I am no more precious to God than you are. If He can produce glory from my story, He can do the same with yours. Nothing is insignicant. Every mountain and every valley has instruction. Even the perceived silence of God contains a lesson. We must be attentive in order to learn the lessons that God sends through life. We must make time for Him to speak to us while we turn on the Potters Wheel. If we run aroumd trying to govern our own lives, not only will we make a wreck of things, but we will delay the process of Him manifesting us into His workmanship. Stop running like a hamster on the wheel - tired and busy and going no where! Slow down. Get understanding. Produce fruit. Find the wisdom of this journey dont just keep looking for the pot of gold at its end. In only looking toward the end, you will miss most of the lessons along the way and repeat unnecessary mistakes. Purpose must be discovered. It is not going to come from the mouth of strangers. If a prophet tells your purpose and its something that God has never spoken into your own spirit, beware. A prophecy should resonate in your Spirit like a deja vous. Your heart should be leaping in confirmation not shock. God is speaking to you daily. Are you listening? Discover your purpose. @TheEagle_Visser!
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 10:58:28 +0000

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