Put Your Trust In God’s Ability To Provide! READ! Matthew - TopicsExpress


Put Your Trust In God’s Ability To Provide! READ! Matthew 6:26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. The Bible is filled with God’s promises to provide, but so often we doubt that He will. We doubt whether God really cares about the ordinary things that cause us to worry. At times we let ourselves get all worked up and stressed out because we are trying to change something that is beyond our control. Stressful situations can come in a variety of forms and intensities. No one is immune from them or enjoys their company. In this earthly existence, we will never really be totally free of them.The important issue is what to do with our worry. If we let it dominate our mind, fretfulness can become a way of life. But if we believe what the Bible says about God and His care for us, we will experience an awesome liberation from worry. Consider how inconsequential birds and flowers are, yet Jesus says that the Father cares for them (Matt. 6:26). Don’t you think you are worth much more to Him than they are? Just as no one can add a single day to the length of his life, so there are some situations that we are powerless to alter. But the sovereign Ruler of the universe loves us and holds everything in His hands—including our stressful and seemingly out-of-control situations. After all, He’s got the entire universe to run, and your issues are so small in comparison. My prayer is: Trust in God and His Word, Christ Jesus who is The Way, The Truth and The Life!!!
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 09:34:41 +0000

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