Put Your Trust in the Lord Psalm 4:5-8 The sons of men who - TopicsExpress


Put Your Trust in the Lord Psalm 4:5-8 The sons of men who opposed Davids righteous testimony were undoubtedly numbered among those who, in verse six, asked the deriding question, Who will shew us any good? They sought after earthly vanities and looked for counselors who would tickle their ears with leasing, with kinds of things they wanted to hear-falsehoods (v.2). They had their festive times of pleasure and revelry when the harvests were gathered and the wine was ready (v.7b). These earthly enjoyments afforded a semblance of gladness-at least for a season. But did these temporal pleasures and worldly diversions provide them with anything that was truly good? Evidently not. The gladness of God far surpasses any earthly gain we could ever acquire, and yet, it is sad to say, it is no different today. Notice how multitudes, even many who name the name of Christ, are looking everywhere in the world for satisfaction and seeking for something genuinely worthwhile in the same futile way. The psalmist answered their disillusioned inquiry with his personal testimony. He had a relationship with God-the One from whom everything that is truly good comes. The feeble efforts of the sons of men in seeking to find satisfaction for their longings and lusts cannot begin to compare with the good things David received in abundance from the gracious hand of God. The smile of the Lords face and His bountiful blessing (v.6), the gladness and unspeakable joy He puts in the believers heart (v.7), and the peace and safety that He provides the trusting saint (v.8) reveal the answer as to where good can be found-put your trust in the Lord (v.5).
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 04:31:50 +0000

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