Put it all in perspective~! This morning was one of THOSE - TopicsExpress


Put it all in perspective~! This morning was one of THOSE mornings! My husband arrives in the kitchen to announce that there is NO cereal at all in the house. (clearly the last person to finish a box did not write it on the shopping list otherwise we could have bought an entire weeks’ supply yesterday!) Kids come through one by one – two are happy with my alternate offer of French toast made with the last 2 eggs in the fridge. Number 2 only eats cornflakes and dobs on her brother for finishing the box off yesterday and not adding it to the list. I make them apple and carrot juice with the remaining 3 carrots – good thing I know they will get something fresh into them this morning! Then we get to lunchboxes… the regular cheese is finished, and we have no leftover chicken or anything else that I normally use. Fortunately we have some salad ingredients. The options are parmesan cheese or Brie. Neither of which impress number 2 – who likes her regular choices. Thinking quickly, on the way back from dropping #1 off for his bus, I see that the door to the deli is open just enough to let staff in – so I pop in and plead for them to be open. My begging brings smiles and I walk out with some sliced ham, which I know the kids love. Arriving home – they aren’t impressed because as I’ve been out they decided a lunch order would be the thing today… and now that I have ham, they have no excuse for a lunch order. So much for that! The neighbour’s daughter gets a lift to school with us, and she ends up making the ham wrap for #3 as I’m rushing to get dressed and ready for a client meeting after dropping the kids off. Why am I sharing this story with you? Because I’m sure there are mornings where you feel like everything is going wrong and you’ve started off feeling inefficient, inadequate, a bad mother/wife/friend… and are convinced the rest of the day will go the same way. Put it all into perspective. Here’s my perspective on the morning: • I had a lovely walk to see the sunrise – just beautiful and perfect! • We have running water and each of us had a lovely warm shower to start our day – some of our friends in other countries don’t even have running water in houses where there previously was running water. • Seriously: even though we had run out of cheese and cereal – there were other (more expensive!) options in the fridge and pantry… no-one will go hungry today. • Most days we have everything we need, some days we need reminding that we actually have more than we need – even if the things we want seem to have run out. • How many kids in the world go to school hungry every single morning, not because of an oversight – but because there simply is no money to feed them? • How many kids would love to go to school (with or without Brie on their sandwiches) but simply don’t have the opportunity? • How lucky are we that we have a range of shops 5 minutes down the road, and if we waited a bit, they would open and we could purchase anything and everything that we could possibly want or need? • It’s still going to be an awesome day and I can get on and coach clients that I love – hearing about their goals and where they want to be, and working on strategies to get there. • I’ve just heard another success story from someone who I coached in 2011… he spoke about being true to himself and buying back a business he had loved and had several years ago – and he’s succeeded! Do you have problems? Do you have one of those mornings, or one of those days? I’d like to ask you: What is the problem NOT? Find all the things that the problem is NOT and then you’ll see how small the problem actually is! Focus on what you already have and be grateful for it. Only when you are grateful will you see opportunities for how to have what you really want. Have an awesome day!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 01:05:45 +0000

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