Putin Grandmaster west trap Posted on 06/01/2015 by Nifadmin The - TopicsExpress


Putin Grandmaster west trap Posted on 06/01/2015 by Nifadmin The article, which offers a website for the convenience of readers of the journalists by e-mail they send to each other: Have you read? No? Tell us your opinion too! I think super because of the many on-ordination post later became very difficult to establish who the original author. But this one is too good writing! Therefore, it was, that while the search continued until the result has not led to the author - DMITRI KALINYICSENKO. West, Putin has conventionally been often condemned to the KGB served. Therefore, it is a ruthless, immoral, etc.. man. Putin party with all the usual blame. But never, no one can accuse Putin that no esze.Bármivel but also accused the man, the only illuminates the quick, analytical thinking of, or the ability to see at a glance to be able to take a clear, deliberate political and economic nature decisions. The Western media often a Grandmaster Putin compares these skills who can publicly lightning pot simultaneous games to play multiple chessboard. When observing the recent developments that have taken place in the US and Western economic life, then it can be said of this segment of Putins personality assessment of the western press is absolutely right. Despite Fox News and CNN in the style of victory of countless reports, the Western economies, led by the Americans, Putin is now trapped. And how to get rid of this trap, I do not see anyone in the West: no one can find a way out. And the more the West is trying to struggle out of this trap, the situation becomes more and more hopeless. But what is at the core of it is undoubtedly the tragic situation in which the West, the US found itself? And why listen, listen to this, something like a capital hadititokról, across the Western press, the leading Western economists? Well, well, we do an experiment that is currently taking place in the economic substance of events realize - namely, that in doing so possibly the more abstracting ourselves the moral, morality, the geopolitics of negotiations smallest összefüggéseitől well. Well, after the West, led by the United States of conscious Ukrainian failure of the goal set themselves to - a source of revenue to the Russian budget is also important for export earnings, the Russian foreign currency and gold reserves are a vital source of oil and, consequently, downward pressure on the price of natural gas - to destroy the Russian economy. Here it should be noted that Ukraine suffered a failure by the West does not primarily military and political. The real reason for failure is that Putin was not really willing to finance projects in the Western Ukraine against the Russian budget. What is the West by the viability of projects already condemned, in the immediate future and the long term as well. Recently, even at the time of Reagan, the Wests tactics to reduce the price of oil was a success and led to the disintegration of the Soviet Union. But history does not repeat itself. This time, otherwise all wrong for the West. Is what the West, Putin replied at once reminiscent of chess and judo as well. In the latter, the opponent has used the power of his attacks, spent against itself - while the defensive half only minimally wasting their power tools. Putin is not effective public policy to the outside world. Therefore, Putins policy is not the actual effect, but also the efficiency aims. Only a very few are those who understand that Putin at the moment what is actually doing. And virtually no one who would be aware that in the future what will csinálni.Bármennyire also strange as it may seem now, Putin - and only natural gold - Russian oil and natural gas it sells. Putin, of course, this is not trumpets world as something intrusive advertising. And, of course - as an intermediate means of payment - continue to accept dollars. But oil and gas from the sale of dollars instantly converts natural gold! To understand this, it is sufficient megtekintetni that Russias gold and currency reserves of the rate at which increases the amount of gold - and this compared with that in the same period increased by what amounts Russian currency revenues from the sale of oil and gas. (The upper graph the Shanghai Stock Exchange on or redeemed amount of visible gold, while the lower graph shows the weekly redemptions - both in tonnes, and between 2009 and 2014). Putin 2 Whats more, during the third quarter of Russias gold purchases natural unprecedentedly high, reached record levels. In the third quarter of this year, Russia, incredible amounts of gold bought a total of 55 tonnes. Thats more than what - according to official figures - all the rest of the world central banks put together, bought! (Figure 6, which bought much gold country. In addition to the items listed under the name of all the other central banks - each less than one tonne - together took three tons of gold) Putin 3 Overall, all the kingdoms of the worlds central banks in the third quarter of 2014 bought 93 tons of precious metals. Overall, this was the 15th in a row a quarter, when central banks bought pure gold. Total purchased by the worlds central banks 93 tons of gold, Russias share of its 55 tonnes, is quite amazing. Not so long ago, some British scientists to the same conclusion, which a few years ago, the United States Geological Survey in its opinion known. Namely: Europe can not do without the energy coming from Russia. As English into any other language in the world translated means. The world will not be able to survive if the global energy balance of the omitted from the oil and gas shipments from Russia Thus, based on the petrodollar hegemony western world suddenly found himself in a disastrous situation. Which the West can not do without the Russian oil and gas - but it is only natural Russia will be willing to sell gold in exchange for oil and natural gas. Putins recent game of piquancy is that the mechanism by which Russias only gold gives energiahordozóit, has been working independently: complete on the west to the artificially delivered by self-priced gold to pay for oil and gas or not. Russia is - constant dollar revenue rendelkezvén sold after the oil and natural gas - you can always buy those dollars for gold. Even today, the West Point were depressed by all the regular and irregular manner prices. That is, gold prices, which are the FRS and the ESF to a fraction clamped down against the petrodollars artificially inflated by market manipulation customer value. An interesting fact is that the United States now has the force of law, that the US government has a special department of the ESF (Exchange Stabilization Fund) - in order to stabilize the dollar - depress the price of gold. The financial world expect to find traces of the thesis that the gold: the antidollár.- 1971, US President Richard Nixon closed the gold window eliminated the free convertibility of the dollar to gold - even though the United States had, in 1944, the Bretton Woods has guaranteed this. - In 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin opened by the gold window - ignoring the fact that what they think and say about Washington. But the West has just spends huge forces and means to depress the price of gold and oil. That thus, on the one hand, a distortion in favor of the dollar in the current economic realities. On the other hand, to destroy the economies of Russia, which the West refuses the role of obedient vassals. The situation is now, at the moment, is that an exchange of assets, such as gold and oil, were relatively weak and undervalued against the dollar. As for the West colossal economic efforts of the consequences. Putin and, in the meantime, the Wests efforts for artificially strong dollar was adopted by the Russian energy resources. For which the means to buy gold - which was due to the diligence of the West, now artificially leértékelt.Putyin there is an interesting game of momentum, the Russian uranium. Thanks whose importance today in the United States every six light bulb. Uranium in Russia today which also gives the United States dollar. Thus, in the West, with the US dollar pay the kőolajért Russia, natural gas and uranium, which is the dollar value of customer, the efforts of the West itself due to artificially high, relative to the oil and natural gas. But Putin only use those dollars to withdraw them from the West to the natural ratio, which is expressed in dollar price was artificially pushed down the West. Putin is really the combination of brilliant marketing in a position with the West, with the US leading the way, like that of a snake, which rage and determination biting its own tail. Economic gold trap set up for the idea of the West, most likely, not Putin originally came from. The idea is probably more economic policy adviser to Putin, Glazjev academics. Otherwise, how would it be possible to Glazjev state officials - who is not supposed to do the business - along with many other Russian businessmen, Washington personally has contributed to Western sanctions lists? The academic economist Glazjev brilliantly realized idea Putin - having previously secured the full support for his Chinese counterpart, Xi Qin pin. Putin 4 In this context, it is particularly interesting in the Russian Central Bank First Deputy Chairman of the November Kszenyija Judajevának statement. Who pointed out that the Central Bank and, if necessary, the payment of import toss gold reserves. It is clear that at the time of sanctions adopted by the Western world, this declaration is BRICS1országainak, above all, he said, China. The fact that Russia is ready western gold to pay for the goods - as it turned out - very well come to China. Why - this is one of the earlier írás.2 China recently announced that it will not increase further dollar-denominated gold and valutatartalékait (AVT). If we consider that the US-China trade relations in the former deficit is steadily growing (the current balance is now 5 to 1, Chinas favor), then this is the statement of financial language translated means China further áruiért not accept dollars . The world press thought it best not to notice the recent financial history at this colossal event in. And the issue here is not even the fact that China, literally, the goods will not be willing to give dollars. China, of course, will be accepted after this period of dollars - but only as a means of payment for the intermediate áruiért. But China, after receiving the dollars, you will immediately get rid of him, and gold and currency reserves of the structure will fölváltani dollars something else. Otherwise, there would be no sense of what the Chinese financial authorities announced: The longer China will not continue to increase, expressed in dollars and gold valutatartalékait. In other words, Chinas trade in countries with different inlet dollárjaiért will no longer be the US government treasury bills (treasuries) to buy. As always tette.Vagyis China will replace the dollar in the future, before anything else, which is no longer just the United States, but in general flow of trade in any other country - that does not increase further and valutatartalékait dollars with gold. And here comes the interesting question is: what will be the one with which China will replace the trade dollar inflows jait? What currency - and what replacement device? Analysis of the current Chinese monetary policy leads to the conclusion that - the trade dollar inflows groups, or at least a significant portion - China will quietly converted to gold, as it was, de facto, makes well. In this respect, the Russian-Chinese relations solitaire card game very fortunate develops both Moscow and Beijing are for. Russia directly for gold at the current price to buy goods from China. China is the gold, but at the current price of Russian energy resources in again. In the Russian-Chinese idyll everything has a place: the Chinese goods as well, the Russian energy carriers as well, and the gold, as well as reciprocal unit of account. In this idyllic place is not only a kéredzkedő for the dollar. And there is nothing special. Because the dollar is neither Chinese goods, not the non-Russian energy. The dollar is only an intermediate financial accounting tool - an unnecessary middleman. In two separate business cooperation partner of the unnecessary intermediaries, sooner or later, it is often overcome critical. Here it should be noted immediately separate the natural world gold market is dwarfed in comparison to the real world market for oil supplies. The natural world gold market in addition to the more microscopic when compared to the oil, gas, uranium - a variety of goods - the actual delivery of the world market. Name of the golden age, the emphasis is on the natural word, as natural (and not on paper) energiahordozóiért exchange gold for Russia withdraws from the West. Namely the energy tangible, and not carried out in exchange for paper delivery. The same shall apply to China, when - the current, artificially, by multiples of delivered price, but really gold - distracts from the West. As consideration to tangible goods actually delivered. Failed due to the Wests hope not, that Russia and China - which they have delivered for energy, in exchange for goods - and accept all kinds of coins, or paper gold. Russia and China as well, just as the ultimate means of payment in gold - as well as the only palpable metal - interested. Incidentally: The hard sell gold - just as the transport of gold futures gave promissory note (futures) - per month is worth about $ 360 billion from the markets. In contrast, only a month take the actual transfer rate of about $ 280 million. Which creates a thousand-to-one ratio between the paper and the natural gold in the trades. When Putin deploys the mechanism that the market actually withdraw artificially devalued by the Western one replacement device (gold), in exchange for an artificially overvalued by the West, another csereeszközért (in dollars) - that launched the countdown, which ends petrodollars enjoyed hegemony over the world. With Putin brought the West into a dead end, which lacks any positive economic perspective. Now the West can spend whatever effort, whatever that means to artificially increase the purchasing power of the dollar, reduce the price of oil, and artificially leszorítsa the purchasing power of gold. The problem will cause the West to the disposal of natural gold stocks are limited. Therefore, the more they will push the West to the USD elértéktelenítse crude oil and gold, will dwindle faster pace of getting cheaper gold available, but it is far from infinite reserves. During Putins economic masterfully played by this combination of natural gold reserves in the West will flow rapidly through Russia, China, Brazil, India and Kazahsztánba3 - the BRICS countries. If the natural stocks of gold will continue to decline at this rate, before created by the Western world order based on the collapse of petrodollars in the West will no longer be able to do anything against Putins Russia Support. It is the situation in which Putin, led by the United States of America West was a chess game is called one of the parties was lack of time (Zeitnot). The Western world has never seen an economic events and phenomena, such as those taking place before our very eyes. The Soviet Union - when oil prices fell - gold is sold in a hurry. Russia, on the other hand - again, amid the fall in oil prices - the gold in a hurry to buy. Thus, Russia has been directly undermined world domination based on the American model of petrodollars. World model based on the petrodollars were based on the fact that the US national currency reached a dominant role in the global foreign exchange system. Which allows the Western countries - led by the United States - from the work of other countries and peoples, live material reserves. The dollars role in the global foreign exchange system is that it is the currency in commercial transactions are closed, final payment instrument. This means that the US dollar, the worlds foreign exchange system, the formation of a final means of exchange, which does not make sense to switch to other means of exchange. But what the BRICS countries - led by Russia and China - now they are doing to actually change the role of the dollar and the status of the worlds foreign exchange system. Moscow and Beijing as a result of the joint actions of the US national currency, exchange and final asset accumulation varies only sort of intermediate exchange tool. Which is intended only to this intermediate converted into a medium of exchange and other truly definitive replacement tool: gold. Thus, the dollar will lose virtually role as the ultimate means of exchange and accumulation - both passing of this role to another, it is generally recognized, nationality and independent monetary policy instrument: the gold. The West was traditionally two methods to eliminate the world model based on petrodollars hegemony, and disproportionately broad prerogatives threats arising from the West. One such device is reported in the color revolutions. The other device - what would normally be cast in the West, when the first device does not work - the military aggression, the bombings. For Russia, the West, however, none of the two is used, either because it is impossible, or because they are unacceptable. This is because, firstly, the Russian population - in contrast to many other countrys population - is not willing to leave, the future of the children to exchange up to now immediately be able to receive Western kolbászra.4 This has been derived in the Western public opinion research has also become apparent, which Putins popularity is at record high levels found. For example, a personal friendship, which favoritját Washington, Navalnijt5 ties to Senator McCain, its just not good neither he nor Washington. After it was informed about the press, 98% of the Russian population has been nothing else as Navalnijt as vassals of Washington, the Russian national interests elárulójának. Therefore, the Western experts who are grounded in reality, not even dare to dream of any color revolution in Russia. As for the second, for the West, the traditional method of direct military aggression far as Russia is neither Yugoslavia, neither Iraq nor Libya. Russia against any event launched in the Russian territory, not nuclear operations in the West, led by the United States, offers a devastating defeat. And the Pentagon generals - who is actually the leader of NATO forces - are well aware of this. Similarly, there is no chance of a nuclear war is not against Russia, including the so-called. Preventive and disarming nuclear strike concepts. NATO is not simply a technical possibility to strike, which could be completely disarmed by Russias nuclear potential, this potential myriad manifestations universe. In this case, it would be inevitable in a massive punitive retaliation against the enemy in the field. And such a response would blow cumulative power just enough to allow the survivors envy the dead have been later. That is a nuclear firefight are not inherently provide a solution to the problem of world order based on petrodollars maturing collapse. At best, it would mean the world with the history of the final chapter, the last station. Worse case, this would lead to nuclear settled on, the extinction of all living things - except, perhaps, the mutants of bacteria, which give rise to the effects of radiation. The film sees the leading Western economic phenomena taking place, they are also aware of the essence. The leading Western economists, no doubt, are aware that the Western world - a crush on Putins economic aranycsapdájába - was how deeply tragic and hopeless situation. After all, since the inception of the Bretton Woods agreements, everyone knows the basic rule: He who holds more gold, lays down the rules of the game. But in the West about everyone listening. The reason is silent because no one knows how to get out of this situation now. And, therefore, if you start someone explain to public opinion in the West to the ongoing economic disaster in every detail, it is certain the public will begin to ask questions worst advocates for world order based on petrodollars. Which will be read, for example: - How the West will be able to take natural oil from Russia for gold? - And what about the olajdollárral after that the West will run out of natural gold - which can be paid by the Russian crude oil, natural gas and uranium, as well as the Chinese goods? These seemingly simple questions today in the West do not know the answer senki.Hát, gentlemen, this is called checkmate. The game is over. Source: tehnowar.ru Internet portals based on the compilation of materials created by Tatiana Dobrogyejeva Federal State of Novorossiya Central News Agency: Novorus.info Cooperative organization set up by one of five countries. Naming (English) acronym made up of the initial letters of the English names of the five participating countries: Brazil (Brazil - B); Russia (Russia - R); India; China (China - C) and South Africa (South Africa - S). I mean, two of the Federal State of Novorossiya news site published an earlier one. 3 Kazakhstan is not a member of the BRICS has. The five BRICS countries - South Africa - by contrast, is the worlds largest aranykitermelői and exporters. (How, by the way, Russia). 4 metaphorical expression: approx. elkótyavetyélni as small monetizing some great ideal. 5 The Russian liberal opposition leaders, Putins chief rival. transform.hu/
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 06:52:08 +0000

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