Putting this out there on social media on the advice of my - TopicsExpress


Putting this out there on social media on the advice of my husband: (sometimes social media is a great information-sharing network)... As most of my friends know, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 3 years ago. I was also diagnosed with dysautonomia (postural orthostatic tachycardia) syndrome a few weeks ago. My autonomic nervous is failing (the system controls heart rate, bowel function, hearing, eyesight, sensory perception, and body temperature regulation). My pain levels have been somewhat manageable with a good course of med combination, but some other issues are making life very difficult and complicated. My heart rate sky rockets after standing, bending down, or especially in the mornings, and at the same time my blood pressure drops sometimes to an alarming rate. I sweat, then freeze, then roast. My hands, feet & left side of my body goes numb. The beta blockers Im on are helping my tachycardia, but probably lowering my already low blood pressure. I cant do mundane things like eating or using the bathroom without nearly blacking out. No exaggeration. My head and ears pulse, whoosh, and ring non-stop...it takes me sometimes an hour or longer to get back to normal after these tasks. The other day my pupils were two different sizes, too. This isnt something yoga or diet is going to cure. My question is, does anybody out there in Facebook land know of anybody who was cured of dysautonomia and/or fibromyalgia???? I dont even know what type of practitioner to seek out anymore. Im so tired of searching for answers/help. This has already robbed me of so much of my life/motherhood. My child deserves better than this. Just EXISTING has become a daily battle...mornings are the worst. I cannot worry anymore about explaining why it takes 20 minutes to recover from just a bathroom trip, or why standing all day is zapping me and causing pain and dizziness. Im heat-intolerant, and cold intolerant, too. A mess. Please, if somebody to could help here, it would also help my family. I would like to know a specific name of a doctor to visit if you know of one. Im desperate here. Thanks FB friends.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 04:22:28 +0000

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