Putting yourself out there can be scary. No matter who you are, - TopicsExpress


Putting yourself out there can be scary. No matter who you are, it is my belief that we all share the same human trait of wanting to be liked and accepted. Perhaps we all have varying degrees of this, but I truly think, at the end of the day, we all want to be loved. So, when we put ourselves out there in a grander scale we do open ourselves up to potential criticism, judgement, etc. And I know that it is more spiritually evolved to not take things personally or to follow the what you think of me is none of my business rule. And I try, I truly try to do this every time I am triggered and feel like hiding and quitting and giving up. This happens way less than it used to, but if you peek inside my windows on a bad day, you might find me in a crumpled mess on the couch. It still happens. Because I am human. The human part of me can feel defeated. I can take someones opinion of me too deep into my heart and allow it to wound me. I can imagine all of these scenarios of what people could potentially be thinking about me after I have allowed myself to be the most vulnerable, the most free, the most me. But after I cry. After I allow the dark stuff to surface, there is something deep inside me that always whispers: Get back out there, the world needs you to share your gift... And I do. Because I believe that we all have an incredible gift that needs to be shared with the world. And sometimes, we hide in fear of failure, or judgement or potential criticism. And then we realize, that we are actually our own worst critics. That the world is actually simply reflecting our inner world, our inner thoughts. When we heal those things, the world becomes a more loving, accepting place. So to all of you out there who are contemplating putting your gift out there, I understand your fear, but I believe in you…the courage you hold, the light you shine. To all of you out there who continuously put yourself out there, I continue to be inspired by you. I learn from you. I heal from you. And to all of the people who have been placed on my path to challenge me, I thank you, for I could not be on this path without you. I will continue to do my best and know that my best, is enough.
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 15:25:02 +0000

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