Pychology Tips 1. Start Preparing Early Always be sure that you - TopicsExpress


Pychology Tips 1. Start Preparing Early Always be sure that you are fully prepared before any class, assignment, or exam. Create a simple plan of action to help you determine what you need to do in order to be ready. Using whatever organizational method works best for you, write down any assignment, paper, or exam due dates. Consider the necessary steps required to complete each task successfully, such as research, outlining, writing, and studying. Next, schedule these tasks into your organizational plan. By writing down these essential steps, you will be better able to keep track of the things you need to accomplish. - 2. Find Ways to Combat Procrastination Putting things off until the last minute can hurt your classroom performance, grades and learning. While it may be tempting to set aside tasks that seem dull or daunting, procrastination will only create more work for you down the road. Avoid last-minute stress and frustration by finding ways to fight the urge to procrastinate. One solution is to try breaking assignments up into more manageable chunks. By tackling just a small portion of a task each day, you can successfully complete assignments on time.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 03:22:32 +0000

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