Pyna Stidham 16 hrs · GET READY TO WELCOME A COMPANY OF - TopicsExpress


Pyna Stidham 16 hrs · GET READY TO WELCOME A COMPANY OF ANGELS Over the past few weeks I have had the sense that there is going to be a dramatic increase in angelic encounters. A greater awareness of angels around about the people of God. Then today while in worship I saw angels dancing around the people of God and I knew that as they were dancing they were ushering in something greater and new. I then saw they were coming to the people of God with three things. Those who were standing with eyes fixed upon Him were going to begin to be invited into encounters with a company of His angels. These angels were sent from the Lord to bring 3 specific things that the people of God will need as they walk into the breakthrough and increase that the Lord is releasing. 1. WISDOM As I saw them dancing around the people of God the words played over and over in my heart Angels are coming to crown My people with wisdom. For the enormity of increase and acceleration the Lord is releasing and the harvest being brought in, the people of God must be crowned with the wisdom of heaven. These angels were being sent from heaven with crowns to place upon the heads of the people of God asking for wisdom to bring radical atmospheric change to places and nations. Crowns of wisdom placed upon the people of God to not only see Kingdom keys released, new innovative ideas and new and creative demonstrations of His love, but also specific heavenly tactics to uncover and abort the plans of the enemy. Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding, for the gain from her is better than gain from silver and her profit better than gold. She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. - Proverbs 3:13-18 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. - James 1:5 2. REVELATION I saw these angels that were first dancing around the people of God come to the people of God who were crying out to see more as He sees, those who were crying out for His eyes. Crying out for eyes of greater revelation, discernment and insight. As they were in worship, the angels came to these ones and placed their hands over the people of Gods eyes and when their hands were removed, their eyes were SO blue. It was like I could see the living water of the Spirit flowing in and through their eyes. There was such a new depth of sight placed upon these ones and they were broken in such a gloriously good way as they saw HIM like never before. I could see the reflection of Jesus in their eyes as the living water flowed within them. There was a sense in my heart as I watched them, that this sight was to go hand in hand with the crown of wisdom He has released. This sight was going to break chains of the past, dryness, fear and heaviness catapulting them into HUGE levels of breakthrough in their relationship and intimacy with Him that was going to lead them to effectual doors that would see them step into a flow of breakthrough momentum they had not experienced before. Impossibilities were bowing, breakthrough was happening, doors that were said to never open were opening, cultures were being redefined, nations were seeing the Glory of God, a great turning was happening to build His Kingdom through the people of God, and the key was... SEEING HIM like never before! I also saw these angelic hosts handing out many scrolls of revelation of His Word to the people of God and commanded them to EAT these scrolls. As they ate, their eyes were opened wider and they were implanted with prophetic heavenly messages that when released were going to change the course of history. Continue to cry out for eye salve to SEE. Angelic hosts are being sent in this season to bring new sight. Anoint your eyes with eye-salve that you may see - Revelation 3:18 3. FINANCIAL BREAKTHROUGHS I saw these angelic hosts then come to many of the people of God and in their hands were gold envelopes. I could see on the front of these envelopes was writing that said Faithful Stewardship. My sense immediately was that these angelic hosts were coming with financial breakthroughs and increase for the people of God as they have stewarded well the finances He had given them even when it was extremely difficult, but even above and beyond money, those who have stewarded all they had cultivating a heart of generosity. Continuing to always look for ways to keep the spirit of generosity alive to all those they came in contact with. As the people of God opened these envelopes there was EXPLOSIONS of abundance, all I could see was bright gold light and I knew that this was an explosion of His Glory and provision, especially financially. Those who have been waiting on the Lord and holding their vision in their hearts and waiting on the finances to put wheels on the dreams He had given them, was now exploding into manifestation. I saw the angels smile at the people of God as they went to turn and walk away and their smiles said You are blessed to be a blessing.....Lana Vawser.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 15:45:31 +0000

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